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Knights of Columbus 7880

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Tootsie Roll Introduction

Tootsie Roll Event - This event occurs once every calendar year at the beginning of fall. It is our second largest community event which can collect monies for charity. The event is on every Saturday and Sunday from mid September to mid October. The events dates of 9/7, 9/8, 9/14, 9/15, 9/21, 9/22, 9/28, and 9/29. There are four shifts 9 AM, 11AM, 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM for Kings Sooper stores and 10 AM, 12:30 PM, 3:00 PM at Walmart stores each day.

There are two roles in the Tootsie Roll event.

    Tootsie Roll Manager - a member meets the volunteers of each time slot to be sure they make it to their appointment. You as a manager checks at each work shift there are enough tootsie rolls, the working bib is exchanged and collect any monies from the previous shift. At the end of the day (5 PM) collect all remaining products and monies and bring them to Ave Maria Catholic Church where the project manager will meet you.

   Tootsie Roll Volunteer - a member who stand at the appointed store location and when questioned about the Knights of Columbus provides short but concise answers.  This person also hands out tootsie rolls to each boy and girl who stops by. People in the community are familiar the KofC organization  and will donate money. Any dollar amount will be greatly appreciated. 

 This event not only collects money for charity but as a worker you get to interface with a lot of the community. Sometimes it is about our organization or it might be another topic of the world. So volunteer, it is only two hours of the day. You can pick any date and time. 

Click here to volunteer!