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Knights of Columbus 7880

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Knights of Columbus 7880 Store

The Knights of Columbus 7880 store is used to sell charitable items to help support the community work that the knights do for the Ave Maria parish all year. All these items have either been donated or made by the members or supporting friends of the council. 

Here are the instructions - 

Shopping Store:
   - To purchase an item simply click on the Add to Cart button below the picture and description of the item. 
   - When done selecting items, click the Cart button located in the upper right corner.

Shopping Cart - displays a list of selected items, price, quantity and total amount for each item. An order amount is also listed for your convience.
   - If an item needs to be deleted click the Delete Item button. NOTE: The entire item has been removed from the order. 
   - To return to shopping click on the Continue Shopping button. 
   - To pay for the purchase order click on the Checkout button. 
   - The Stripe (payment authorization company) screen appears with a summary of the order on the left side of the screen. The right side has a form to fill in for a Credit Card payment. 
   - Click the Pay button and the purchase will be completed.
   - A success page appears back on our website and you are done! A Knights of Columbus officer will contact you soon.

Thank you from the Knights of Columbus 7880 Council for your continued support!