Untitled Document

Knights of Columbus 7880

Gambling Trip Registration

A Gambling Trip will provided by the Knights of Columbus on {{sc_gambling_trip_date.data.query.gambling_trip_date.formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy')}}.

All personal should arrive in the parking lot at Ave Maria Catholic Church no later than 8:45 AM.

A bus will be provided to bring everyone on a round trip to the casino.

Each person will donate $5.00 to act as a tip for the bus driver for his efforts throughout the day. 


For more information, contact Richard Fischer 303-517-3173.

Please fill the form below if you plan to attend.

If you do not have a Baily's Card leave the value None. 
This field is not needed if you have a Baily's card and have entered it above. Otherwise select your birth date. 

** Must enter one of these fields!