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Knights of Columbus 7880

Welcome: {{sc_user_detail.data.query1.firstname+' '+sc_user_detail.data.query1.lastname}} 


July 4th Celebration Volunteer

The July 4th Celebration will be held on {{sc_read_date.data.query.july_4th_date.formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy')}} starting at 12:00 PM. We need volunteers to help with the barbeque stations, serving, maintaining the dining room and dishwashing service. Below is the scheduled times:

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Setup

12:00 PM - 2:30 PM Main Event Prep, cooking and Serving 

2:30 PM Cleanup.

If you would like to volunteer for this event click the Yes button. 

Please review the July 4th Celebration Report for updated listing of volunteers and more  detail on the event.