Untitled Document

Knights of Columbus 7880

Welcome: {{sc_user_detail.data.query1.firstname+' '+sc_user_detail.data.query1.lastname}} 


St. Joseph of Cupertino Kaffee House {{sc_current_event.data.query.occasion}} Registration

The St. Joseph of Cupertino Kaffee House will host our  {{sc_current_event.data.query.occasion}} on Friday, {{sc_current_event.data.query.occasion_date.formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy')}}

For persons with special needs and their parents or caregivers.

Ave Maria Catholic Church 9056 E Parker Rd Parker, CO 80138

Doors Open 6:00 PM

Dinner {{sc_current_event.data.query.start_time.formatDate('hh:mm A')}}

Entertainment  {{sc_current_event.data.query.entertainment_time_start.formatDate('hh:mm A')}} - {{sc_current_event.data.query.entertainment_time_end.formatDate('hh:mm A')}}

Music by Michael. Folks and Classic Rock.

This event will be held in Brownstein Hall. Please enter through the main church entrance.

Please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get an accurate count of attendees

For more information, please contact:

Jim or Susie Record 303-840-9195, Phil or Kathy Barenberg 303-841-9463