Untitled Document

Knights of Columbus 7880

Welcome: {{sc_user_detail.data.query1.firstname+' '+sc_user_detail.data.query1.lastname}} 


Food Drive Introduction

The Knights in partnership with the Parker Task Force will be collecting donations of non-perishable food and other items in late August and Early September. Listed below are the specifics.

Knights attending Mass on these weekends will be asked to assist. Please exit Mass right before the St Michaels pray is completed. Please wear your Knights shirt when assisting.

Food Drive Date Work Type

• There will be a signup sheet on the Knights Web site to volunteer.

• Donated bags are to be returned to the church on {{sc_return_dates.data.query[0].food_drive_date.formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy')}} . A trailer will be available on {{sc_return_dates.data.query[0].food_drive_date.formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy')}} to collect donated product and to transport product to the Parker Task Force that evening otherwise donations can be left in the church vestibule prior to the return date.

• We will select date and time for volunteers to stable the “Needs List” along with our information on dates etc.. We will notify you by the end of next week.

The collected food will help to feed many people in the Parker, CO area. Please come and support this effort.

To volunteer click here