[All day event] FRATERNITY is building spiritual muscles
- Description:
- "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and right ly so, because of your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing." ~ 2 Thessalonians 1:3
Living in the spiritual realm is much like preparing for a race in the physical realm. At one point I'm working on sped, then endurance, then o n muscle tone. When not actually running I'm conscious of diet, of rest, and other factors. There are strategies and goals to be considered. < br>Spiritual growth progresses according to much the same pattern. Every in cident I face throughout the day is intended to "train" my spiritual muscle s of patience or kindness or reliance on the LORD. The difficulties and tri als I continue to encounter Teach me endurance in much the same way a ten-m ile run every morning does for my body. Once my competitive running days were behind me, I continued to train, but in a different way. My goal be came modeling myself after Jesus - ridding myself of...
8:00am |
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