[All day event] PATRIOTISM is serving God and nation nobly
- Description:
- "Praise God with trumpets.... Praise God with drums and danc ing." ~ Psalm 150:3-4
Julia Ward Howe was an American poet and a ctivist. She worked for the abolition of slavery, the vote for women, pri son reform, and world peace. She penned the stirring lyrics of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" to provide more suitable words for the melody "John Brown's Body."
The hymn went on to become the marching song of the N orth, just as "Dixie" became the marching song of the South. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What unique set of talents do we Knights possess and how might we better use them to greater service of God and nation?
"God se nt His singers upon earth with songs of sadness and mirth, That they might touch the hearts of men and bring the m back to heaven again." ~ Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
[All day event] St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
- Description:
- St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
8:00am |
9:00am |
10:00am |
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
2:00pm |
3:00pm |
4:00pm |
5:00pm |
6:00pm |
[6:30pm] St. Joseph Kaffee House
- Description:
The St. Joseph of Cupertino Kaffee House for special needs pe rsons and their parents
or guardians.
Mass 5:00 pm
Dinner: 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM
Entertainment: 7:15 PM to 8:00 PM
Mass attendance is not require d.
Please RSVP to Susie and Jim Record at 303-840-9195
or Judy Freund a t 303-840-1850
or Phil and Kathy Barenberg at 303-841-9463
7:00pm |
8:00pm |