"Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with every one." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Dan Begley settled into his plane s eat in Seattle, hoping to get a lot of work done before arriving in Dallas .
Just then a mother and three kids got on. The mother and a four-ye ar old sat behind him; the two older kids, next to him. Once airborne, t hey began turning around every ten minutes to ask their mother, "Where are we now?" Dan's irritation rose to the "danger" level. Suddenly an "inner v oice" told him, "Be patient! Love these kids. They need it."
He put away his work, took the in-flight magazine, turned to the flight map, a nd showed the kids the route to Dallas. He divided the route into 15 - minu te lengths so that they could see exactly where they were at any moment. Th en he explained a lot of things about planes to them.
As the plane touched down in Dallas, Dan asked if their father would be waiting. A short silence ensued. Then one of the kids said softl...
All day event
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph
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The Holy Innocents, Martyrs
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"His master said, "Well done, good and faithful servant! Y ou have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" ~ Matthew 25:23-24
These words are for many ordinary people whom the world may pass by, u n-recognizing. Not to the world-famed, the proud, the wealthy, are these words spoken, but to the quiet followers who bravely serve God unobtrusiv ely yet faithfully, who bear their crosses bravely and put a smiling face to the world. "Enter into the joy of your LORD." Pass into that fuller spir itual life, which is a life of joy and peace. ~ Fr. Pat Umberger
We pray that we may not desire for the world's applause. We pray that we may not seek rewards for doing what we believe is right.
The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Have we Knights maximized service to our parish and our communit y this past year?
This service that you per...
All day event
"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! ~ Psalm 133:1
When I was in college, I joined a "crew" i n an eight-man shell with coxswain. When we first learned to row together i t was extremely awkward, with the oars slapping from side to side and the boat rocking. But after months of practice, we were able to row with great speed through the water.
Even though each of the individual men was rowing with extremely violent force, the timing and cooperation was so pe rfect that there would be no side movement in the boat. When rowing reached racing speed, the hull would rise slightly out of the water. There is poe tic beauty in the intuitive sense of teamwork and unity among men. The slig htest wrong move by any of the oarsmen can ruin a race. Not only was it a joy to compete well, but the privilege to experience that perfection of teamwork was a spiritual reward in itself.
Serving should have the sweet spiritual reward of being a team me...
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St. Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr
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"Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment And the second is lik e unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. ~& nbsp;Matthew 22:37-40
How is loving God related to loving your neig hbor? In what way do you want to grow in love right now: &nbs p;Toward God? Toward your family? Towa rd your Brother Knight? Toward the needy? &nbs p;Toward yourself?
Love is the verb of which God is the object. ~ Lycurgus M. Starkey, Jr.
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"I pray.... that all of them may be one, Father, just as y ou are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." ~ John 17:21
Rise up, O m en of God, Have done with lesser things, Give heart and soul and mi nd and strength To serve the King of kings. Bring in the day of broth erhood And end the night of wrong. The Church for you doth wait,&nbs p; Her strength unequal to her task; Rise up, and make her great.< br>Lift high the cross of Christ, Tread where His feet have trod; A s brothers of the Son of man, Rise up, O men of God. ~ William P. Merr ill
Brother Knights, what are your new year's resolutions for the g reater honor and glory of God?
Finally, brothers, wha tever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, w hatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise - think about such things....
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St. Sylvester I, Pope
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"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." ~ Romans 12:2
At the dawn of the new millennium, Pope John Paul II invited t he faithful to recommit to the Gospel by taking a pledge to work for peace and justice. It reads as follows:
As disciples of Jesus in the new m illennium, I (we) pledge to - Pray regularly for greater justice and peace Learn more about Catholic social teach ing and its call to protect human life, stand with the &nbs p;poor, and care for creation. Reach across boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, and disabling conditions. &nbs p; Live justly in family life, school, work, the marketplace, a nd the political arena. Serve those who are poor and vuln erable, sharing more time and talent. Give more generous ly to those in need at home and abroad. Advocate for publ ic policies that protect human life, promote human dignity, preserve God...
All day event
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors of the Church
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"I am the vine, and our are the branches. Those who remain in me and I in them, will bear much fruit." ~ John 15:5
A popul ar tradition concerns a Greek slave, named Aesop. Like Jesus, he used sto ries to teach people, especially small children. One of his stories is abo ut a man who had several sons who were always fighting among themselves. On e day he called them together and set in front of them a bundle of branches . Then he invited each son to try to break the bundle in half. Of course, none of them could break the bundle. But when the father unti ed the bundle and gave the branches - one by one - to the sons. to break, they broke them with ease. The father then made his point: "My sons, if you remain united, you will be able to withstand any enemy. If you do not remain united, any enemy will be able to defeat you." ~ Mark Link, S.J.< br> How am I contributing to the unity of the Council?
"If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer w...
All day event
"How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God's people to li ve together in harmony!" ~ Psalm 133:1
Jerry Kramer was a star m ember of the legendary Green Bay Packers. In his best-selling book, Ins tant Replay, he describes his feelings after a big win. We rushed to t he locker room...shouting and absolutely floating. "Magnificent"' Coach Lom bardi said... He couldn't finish the sentence.... Tears started trickling d own his cheek. He just knelt down crying, and led us in the Our Father. .. The guys walked around the room, hugging each other... I felt so go od. I felt so proud, proud of myself and proud of my teammates and proud o f my coaches... It sent a beautiful shiver up my back. ~ Mark Link, S.J. What was the closest you ever came to this same feeling of fellowship and fraternity with your Brother Knights?
"In Christ there is o East or West, In Him no South or North, But on e great fellowship of love Throughout the...
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The Most Holy Name of Jesus - First Friday
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"Jesus said, "What is humanly impossible is possible for Go d." ~ Luke 18:27
Robert E. Sherwood was a speechwriter for Presi dent Franklin Roosevelt. He also won the Pulitzer Prize in drama three time s. On on e occasion - mustering all the drama at his command - he said we m ust dedicate ourselves to two objectives: the achievement of world peace an d the affirmation of the right of every person to live as the image of God. He added, "To those who say that these unlimited objectives are unthinkab le, impossible, let us reply that it is the alternative to them which is unthinkable, impossible."
He concluded by calling upon America to d edicate itself to the achievement of these unlimited objectives as boldly a nd as confidently as our forefathers, "who proved that.... nothing underta ken by free men and free women is impossible." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
We Knights have remained true to our heritage of faith, fellowship and phila nthropy. What dream do you have for the Knights tha...
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious
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"My son, your sins are forgiven." ~ Mark 2:5
Har old Hughes described himself as "a drunk, a liar, and a cheat." He was so convinced he'd never change that he decided to end it all. At that moment , however, he remembered enough from the Bible to realize that to take one 's life was wrong. So he knelt down sobbing and explained to God why he was going to end it all. Suddenly, something happened that he never experienc ed before in his life. He wrote later: "God was reaching down and touchi ng me. Like a stricken child lost in a storm, I suddenly stumbled into the warm hands of my Father. Joy filled me, so intense it seemed to burst my breast..." Ten years later, Harold Hughes was elected governor of Iowa. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Have you ever turned down or avoided participation in a Knights activity? Would the Father's warm touch have helped you see it through?
"I have swept away your sins like a cloud, C omeback to me; I am the one who saves you." ~ ...
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The Epiphany of the Lord
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Ave Maria Catholic Church - Dwyer Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM, dinner and the meeting to follow around 7:30 PM in Dwyer Hall.
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St. Andre Bessette, Religious
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"Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials." ~ < /i>James 1:12
It was the first year for canoe racing in the 1924 Oly mpics. Bill Havens was on the four-man team to represent the U.S. in Paris. But as that time for departure neared, it was clear that his wife would g ive birth to their first child while he was away. Bill hesitated. His wife insisted that he go. But the more Bill thought about it, the more he felt his priorities lay with his wife and their first child. An alternate member took Bill's place.
The team went to Paris and won the gold. Meanwhile, Bill's wife was late in giving birth to a boy, whom they would name Frank. Bill never mentioned his disappointment in missing out on the Olympics.
In 1952, Bill got a cable from Helsinki, where the Olymp ics were going on It read:
I'm bringing home the gold medal you lost while waiting for me to be born." ~ Fran k ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What was the bigge...
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"Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan wh at is good find love and faithfulness." ~ Proverbs 14:22 NIV
In corporate America, it's sometimes difficult to climb the ladder of so-call ed "success" without sacrificing the ideals of living as a Catholic gentlem an. The long hours at the expense of your family, the political back-stabb ing among colleagues, the cutthroat competitive environment, and today's me-oriented, material culture all run contrary to Catholic teaching. ~ A S ir Knight
Ideally we, as Knights, never plot evil. But do we unwit tingly forget to do what is right and just in our everyday lives?
Goodness is the only investment that never fails. ~ Henry David Thorea u
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St. Raymond of Penafort
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"God is love... Perfect love drives out all fear." ~ 1 J ohn 4:16, 18
In 1988 a terrible earthquake in Armenia killed 30,00 0 people. Minutes after it hit, a father ran to his son's school building and found it completely flattened.
Remembering that his son's classr oom was in the back right corner of the building, he went there and began digging furiously. They told him it was hopeless, but he kept digging. In the 38th hour of digging, he heard his son's voice calling, "Dad!"
Incredibly a tiny wedge shape had formed, leaving just enough space for h is son and thirteen other boys to survive. The son said to his dad, "I tol d the others not to worry. I knew you'd come for me and then they would be saved too!"
That beautiful story is a kind of parable of how we shou ld trust our heavenly Father whose love for us exceeds all imagining. ~ Mar k Link, S.J.
What gives some people so much trust? As Knight s, are we prepared to trust in God even i the grav...
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"Your light must shine before people...so that they will pra ise your Father." ~ Matthew 5:16
Some villages in India are tota lly without electricity. People use tiny oil lamps, much like those used i n Jesus' time, to light their homes.
The temple in one of these rur al villages has a large frame hanging from its ceiling. Cut into the frame are a hundred slots into which tiny oil lamps can be placed. When the peopl e go there after dark, they carry their oil lamps from their homes to guid e them through the darkness. Upon arriving in the temple, they place their lamp in one of the slots. By the time the last villager arrives, the dark ness has been dispelled and in its place is a glorious sea of light. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What keeps you from becoming the spark of light that we Knights have pledged to create to dispel the darkness in our world?
"Every believer in this world must become a spark of light." ~ Pope John XXIII
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA - Dwyer Hall
The St. Joseph of Cupertino Kaffee House for special needs pe rsons and their parents
or guardians.
Mass 5:00 pm
Dinner: 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM
Entertainment: 7:15 PM to 8:00 PM
Mass attendance is not require d.
Please RSVP to Susie and Jim Record at 303-840-9195
or Judy Freund a t 303-840-1850
or Phil and Kathy Barenberg at 303-841-9463
All day event
"Those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same for them before my Father in heaven." ~ Matthew 10:32 One Sunday morning, not long after the Civil War, a freed slave wandere d into a fashionable church in Richmond, Virginia. When the time for Commu nion came, to the consternation of many present, the ex-slave walked up t o receive.
Sensing the mood of these people, a prominent, respecte d man waled down the aisle and knelt next to his black brother. That man's courageous witness set an example that day that no one forgot.
The m an was Robert E. Lee, former general of the Confederate army. ~ Story told by Billy Graham
What are some of the things that keep me from witne ssing to brotherhood in my life?
"Shine through me and be so in m e that every soul I come in contact with may feel your presence in my spiri t." ~ John Henry Newman
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"The Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve ." ~ Matthew 20:28
On Thursday evening, April 12, 1945, radio stations interrupted all broadcasts to announce President Roosevelt' s death. It was critical, because World War II was at a crucial point.
Harry Truman was sworn in as president. Later, Truman addressed Congre ss. His final words were dramatic. He lifted his face upward, raised his a rms to heaven and said: Give me....an understanding heart to judge Thy peop le, that I ma discern between good and bad... I ask only to be a good and faithful servant of my LORD and my people (1 Kings 3:9)." ~ Mark Link, S.J .
What is one way you and your Brother Knights might better serve ou r nation? Sir Knights, what patriotic project has your assembly tackled th is year?
"Do a little more than you're paid to do; Giv e a little more than you have to; Try a little harder than you w ant to; Aim a little higher than you think p...
All day event
"If we love others, we live in the light... But if we hate others, we are still in the darkness, we walk in it and do not know where we are going, because the darkness has made us blind." ~ 1 John 2: 10-11
IN Feodor Dostoevski's novel, The Brothers Karamazov, a distraught woman comes to Father Zosima for help. She says that if he ca nnot help her, she thinks she will end her own life. Her problem is that s he no longer believes in God. She came to the point bit by bit without real izing it. Now her life is meaningless. All ashes!
Father Zosima tell s her she must go home and, without fail - and in a practical way, every day - love the people around her. If she does this, he promises, bit-by-b it she will come to the point where she'll find it impossible not to believe in God. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What is Father Zosima's p oint; and why do/don't you tend to agree with it?
"The works is full of beauty when your heart is full of love." ~
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The Baptism of the Lord
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St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
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"Love binds all thins together in perfect unity." ~ Colo ssians 3:14
Seminarian Mark Bosco was touched by a remark from Mothe r Teresa: "The AIDS patient is the newest face of the suffering Christ." He then decided to join 1,000 cyclists preparing for a 600 mile trip from Sa n Francisco to Los Angeles, to raise money for AIDS research.
The n ight of the fifth day, he wrote: "tonight in camp I needed help for my sor e neck and back. A chiropractor named Christine told me that she and about 60 other chiropractors were volunteering to keep us in good form. She said that this would probably be her only vacation time this year, but that she wouldn't have missed the trip for the world. There are many unsung heroes on this ride, including 50 or so UPS drivers who devoted their vocation to following us in trucks with our tents, gear, and food." ~ Mark Link, S. J.
Do your recall a Knights project that moved you as deeply?
"There's no limit to how much good you ...
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"I tell you the truth... I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants." ~ John 5:30
A plaque in Lo ndon contains these words:
In the memory of Charles Gordon Who at all times and everywhere gave His Strength to the Weak His Substance to the Suffering His Heart to God.
Whether the plaque's author knew it or not, he was descri bing the heart of Jesus. No finer tribute could be paid to a person. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Can you recall some recent occasion when you went out o f your way to help - someone weaker than yourself, someone poorer then you rself. and someone suffering more than yourself?
How have we support ed, spiritually and financially, the widows and children of brothers who have passed away?
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something; And beca use I cannot do everything, Let me not ref...
All day event
"They said to one another, "Here comes that dreamer.... Let 's kill him.... Then we will see what becomes of his dreams." ~ Genesis 37:19-20
It was a summer day in Washington when Martin Luther King , Jr. spoke these memorable words to a huge crowd:
"I have a dream t hat one day this nation will rise up and live out the truen meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created ewual." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood... This is our hope. This is the fait h that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to he w out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope." ~ Mark Link, S.J. Sadly, the Scripture from Genesis above proved to be prophetic. Dr. King would later be slain out of sheer hatred. Waht has become of his dreams an d are they worth keeping alive?
"It i...
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
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Our Lady of the Visitation, 34201 Co Rd 33, Kiowa, CO 80117, U SA
St. Joseph's Assembly #2618 Monthly Meeting
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"Go then to all peoples everywhere, and make them my discip les." ~ Matthew 28:18
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"God will reward each of us according to what we have done." ~ Romans 2:6
Jan Gies and his wife Miep were members of the Dut ch underground. They achieved fame through 14-year-old Anne Frank's diary. It described in moving detail what it was like for the Frank family and fou r other Jews to be hiding out in a warehouse from the Nazis.
After t wo years, the Franks were caught. During that period, Jan Gies risked his life daily, smuggling ration coupons to buy food and then smuggling the f ood to the Franks and to the four others in hiding.
Someone said of Gies, "Jan was not a person to stand in the limelight... He was throughout his life a man of few words, but many deeds." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
W hat are your feelings about publicizing the good works of our Council? < br>"The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here." ~ Abraham Lincoln
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St. Anthony, Abbot
7:00am - 11:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO - Brown stein Hall
Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
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"I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visi ted me...whenever you did this for one of the least important of these foll owers of mine, you did it for me!" ~ Matthew 25:26, 40
T ip O'Neil was a member of Congress for 34 years. He was speaker of the Hous e for ten years, the longest consecutive term for any speaker in the Histo ry of Congress.
On the wall of his office hung these words from the last speech that Hubert Humphrey ever gave. Tip said they summed up his own philosophy and values.
"The moral test of government is how it t reats those who are in the dawn of life, the children...in the twilight of their life, the aged....in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
How might our assemb ly witness to our special concern for the sick, the needy, the handicappe d and our nation's homeless veterans?
"By having reverence for li fe, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the wo...
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"If I have no love, I am nothing." ~ Corinthians 13:2 Talk show hostess, Oprah Winfrey, has a wonderful way with her gues ts. Her honesty relaxes them, and it's not rare for her to cry with them r ight on the show. Her great compassion comes from the fact that she suffere d greatly in her early life.
To the graduation class of Spelman Coll ege, she said from the heart: "Stop wasting time being mundane.... We are daughters of God - here to teach the world how to love... It doesn't matter what you've been through, where you come from, who your parents are... W hat matters is how you choose to love, how you choose to express that love through... what you have to give to the world. Be a queen. Own your power and your glory!" ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What is your power and your glor y? What tends to keep you from claiming it - and expressing it lovingly?
"Love is a fabric which never fades, no matter how often it is was hed in the water of adversity and grief." ~ E....
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO - Dwyer Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM, dinner and the meeting to follow around 7:30 PM in Dwyer Hall.
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St. Fabian, Pope & Martyr, St. Sebastian, Martyr
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"For freedom, Christ set us free: so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery." ~ Galatians 5:1
On this da te in 1961, President John F. Kennedy, himself a Knight of the Fourth Deg ree, delivered this inaugural address:
In the long history of th e world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending fr eedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibili ty - I welcome it.... The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world....
Most Am ericans are familiar with his famous phrase: "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what can you do for your co untry." But the long forgotten conclusion of his address was this:
< i>My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, b ut what together we can do for the freedom of man.&n...
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"When, LORD, did we ever see you... a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe you? ... The King will reply, "I t ell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these.... you did it for me." ~ Matthew 25:37, 40
In 1952, Mother Teres a saw an abandoned woman in the street, literally, being eaten by bugs. S he carried the unfortunate victim to a hospital, but it wouldn't accept he r.
Next, Mother Teresa carried the woman to city officials, demand ing she be helped. When this didn't work, she demanded a shelter where she could care for the woman and other victims like her. Glad to be rid of the problem, they led her to an abandoned shelter, once used by Hindu pilgri ms. Thus began Mother Teresa's first home for the destitute and the dying. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
How are we as Knights becoming more involved in h elping people who cannot help themselves?
Service is nothing but love in work clothes. ~ E. C. McKenzie
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St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
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"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls a round like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." ~ 1 Peter 5:8
On this date in 1973, the Supreme Court ruled on the matter of Roe v. Wade. But the madness began years earlier with the mother of the sexual revolution and Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. In an effort t o sterilize the Black population, she wrote: "(we propose to), hire three or four colored ministers....with engaging personalities. The most success ful educational approach to the Negro is through religious appeal... We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population... (Margaret Sanger, letter to Clarence Gamble, October 1939)." She advocat ed limiting the immigration of "Slavs, Hebrews, and Latins (Margaret Sang er, "Racial Quotas in Immigration", Birth Control Review, August 1920)," because of their lower intelligence. She championed the sterilizat ion of those who are ill-suited to propagate the race, ...
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Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
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St. Vincent, Deacon & Martyr; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin
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"Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives." ~ Ephesians 3:3-5
In early 1984, the Olympic flame was flown f rom its home in Olympia, Greece, to New York City. Runners then carried i t to Los Angeles.
As it went from city to city, something beautiful began to happen. Towns greeted the runners ringing church bells and blowin g fire sirens. Tears flowed down people's cheeks and spontaneous singing br oke out.
One elderly lady spoke fro many when she said to a runner, "Thank you, son, for making me feel like this again."
When the to rch reached the Coliseum, 93,000 people stood and cheered wildly. It clim axed and experience of unity that few Americans will ever forget. ~ Mark Li nk, S.J.
What can I personally do to nourish unity in our Council?< br> "The strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the W olf is the Pack." ~ Rudyard Kipling, The Second Jungle Book
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"When you have done all you have been told to do, say, 'We are ordinary servants; we have only done our duty." ~ Luke 17: 9-10 Everett Alvarez Jr. made John Wayne cry when they met at a White Hous e dinner. Alvarez was the first American pilot shot down over North Vietnam . For many Americans he symbolized the suffering of all who served i n Vietnam. Alvarez spent 8 years as a POW. He was fed dead birds, rice cra wling with roaches, and sewer-water soup to make him sick and weak. In a s mall yard outside his cell, he scratched the outline of a cross in the pai nted stucco. Later he would add the words, "LORD, I am not worthy, but o nly say the word and my soul shall be healed." To stay focused on survival , Alvarez re-enacted daily all that he could recall of the Mass as an altar boy. When he was put with other POWs, Alvarez found strength in teamwork. The very few Americans who chose not to be part of the group were more int erested in themselves and ultimately collaborated wit...
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St. Francis De Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
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"To be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace." ~ Romans 8:6
The vast crowd in Washington broke into a thunderou s applause when Lincoln arrived for his second inaugural. It stunned him, because he'd gotten so used to boos. No president in history had been hated so bitterly as he had been, because of the war and his stand on slavery.& nbsp;
The crowd grew deathly silent when he began his address. It w as an amazing speech, ending with these words:
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gi ves us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; t o bind up the nation's woulds; to care for him who shall have borne the ba ttle, and for his widow and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and c herish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." ~ Ma rk Link, S.J.
Lincoln's sentiments have withstood the test of time. How has our assembly served our community and nation...
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The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
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"My love for you will never end....so says the LORD who love s you." ~ Isaiah 54:10
Dr. Jonas Salk won fame for developing a polio vaccine in 1953. His brother, Dr. Lee Salk, wrote a popular book, called Mr. Father, My Son.
He began the gook by d escribing a touching scene between his father and himself. He wrote:
"One blustery winter afternoon in 1944, my father waited with me in Penn Station for the train that would take me away to the army center where I wo uld begin my World War II military service. He looked at me with tears clou ding his eyes, hugged me tightly, kissed me on the cheek and told me good -bye in a choked voice. Then, wanting to give me something...he took off h is watch and gave it to me." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
When have you felt t he love of a parent or child as deeply as Dr. Salk and his father felt for each other? How did you express it?
Two people who love each othe r are in a place more holy than the interior of a ch...
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St. Angela Merici, Virgin
All day event
"We are one body in union with Christ." ~ Romans 12:5
John XXIII's Journal of a Soul has this entry date d November 1939: "Every evening from my window I see an assemblage of fishi ng boats... They come around in tens and hundreds... One can hear the cheer ful voices of the fishermen. I find the sight very moving. The other night , towards one o'clock, it was pouring with rain, but the fishermen were s till there, undeterred from their heavy toil... What an inspiring example to us, who are fishermen of Jesus Christ. We must do as they do - work day and night with our torches lit, each in his own little boat - yet working as a team for the spread of God's Kingdom on earth." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What kind of new leadership initiatives might the Knights undertake na tionally to spread God's Kingdom on earth:
"Our chief want in lif e is somebody who shall make us do what we can." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
All day event
"In the day of my trouble I shall call upon thee, for thou wilt answer me." ~ Psalm 86:7 KJV
On this date in 1985, seven brave Americans died as they reached for the stars aboard the space s huttle Challenger. As our nation mourned, our faith compelled us to consider the contradictions -
....that a flowering plant might spro ut from volcanic ash, ....that days after a devastating earthquake we m ight discover the survival of helpless infants,< br>....that the violence of conflict might yield to the peace of reconcilia tion, ....and that in the horror of so vividly seeing seven human lives instantaneously obliterated, we might re member the Easter mystery of the Resurrection.
For the crew of the < i>Challenger - Gregory Jarvis, Christa McAuliffe, Ronald McNair , Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Dick Scobee and Michael Smith ... they were escaping the bounds of earth, looking towards the heavens,...
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St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church
10:00am - 11:00am
Village Inn, 6370 S Parker Rd, Aurora, CO 80016, USA
KoC 7880 Committee Meeting
All day event
"If you forgive... your Father in heaven will also forgive y ou." ~ Matthew 6:14
A young man, whose father had abandoned his family, was on retreat. At one point, he imagined himself kneeling befor e Jesus as he hung on the cross. He wrote:
"An enormous guilt was up on me. I wept for forgiveness. As I wept, God forgave me... He loved me in all my filth...I took the next day off from work to think and pray. While I was reading the Bible, I began to think of my father.... That night I we nt to his apartment and asked his forgiveness for hating him.... We hugged and kissed one another.... I took a cab most of the way home that night, b ut I wanted to walk the last couple of blocks. Joy overflowed me... With ar ms outstretched, I screamed, "I love you, God!" He blessed me greatly th at night. ~ Letter to Mark Link, S.J.
What keeps me from forgiving others?
"We are like beasts when we kill. We are like men when we judge. We are like God when we forgive." ~ E. C....
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~ Matthew 19:14
Ba be Ruth was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1895. He died 53 years later of cancer in a New York hospital. Babe loved kids; and they loved him. Durin g the 1926 World Series, he promised a very sick John Sylvestri, that he' d hit a home run for him - and did.
Part of Babe's love for children stemmed from his own turbulent childhood. He lived above the family saloon , played hooky, stole, and drank. His parents finally committed him to S t. Mary's Industrial School.
There, Catholic brothers shaped him up and gave him his love for baseball. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What are som e of the things Knights do for 'little brothers', especially in a Church s etting? Are you involved in our Columbian Squires Circle?
"Whoeve r you are, there is some younger person who thinks you are perfect.... The re is someone who would miss you if you were gone....
All day event
St. John Bosco, Priest
All day event
"This is impossible for man, but for God everything is poss ible." ~ Matthew 19:26
After being elected president, Abraham L incoln stayed in Springfield, Illinois, until it was time for his inaugur ation. Times were bad: states were seceding, and the South was readying fo r war. Lincoln walked to the rear platform and spoke is farewell to the cro wd: 'Here I lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born, and one buried. I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me grea ter than that which rested upon Washington.' ~ Mark Link, S.J.
When have you said farewell to a happy past and set out to face as uncertain fu ture? When was the last time our assembly ventured into a seemingly insurmo untable task?
"Without the assistance of the Divine Being. ... that attended George Washington, I cannot succeed. With that assistanc e, I cannot fail." ~ Abraham Lincoln
All day event
"give me.... an understanding heart." ~ 1 Kings 3:9 < br>Walter Petrvage grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania. Among his fond memories is his father's deep compassion.
On the night of the senior prom he took his father's car without permission. In his rush to get away without deception, he left the driver's door slightly open to check cleara nce as he backed out of the narrow garage. It hit the garage, springing th e hinges. He laid awake most of the night worrying. When he came downstairs about noon, his dad said, "I took the Chevy to the body shop. They'll ha ve it fixed tomorrow. We can decide who'll pay for it then." He paused and then said, "Did you have a good time at the prom?" ~ Catholic Digest
How compassionate are you - as Jesus was to His people and the father to his son?
"You may call God love, you may call God goodness. But the best name for God is compassion." ~ Meister Eckha rt
All day event
The Presentation of the Lord
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Ave Maria Catholic Church - Dwyer Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM, dinner and the meeting to follow around 7:30 PM in Dwyer Hall.
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St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop
All day event
"Do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering.. .. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ's sufferings, so that you ma y rejoice when his glory is revealed." ~ 1 Peter 4:12-13
A Belgi um doctor invited nurse Edith Cavell to set up a medical clinic in Brussels . When war came in 1914, she secretly treated and helped 200 Allied soldie rs to escape. The Germans were outraged and sentenced her to death.
A chaplain describes her last moments: "We partook of Holy Communion tog ether. At the close of the little service, I began to repeat the words, ' Abide with me,' and she joined.... Then I said good-bye... She smiled and said, 'We shall meet again.'"
When the British ship Stella w as sinking with 105 victims still on it, a woman stood on the bridge and s ang "Abide with Me." Immediately the others joined in, remaining faithful to the LORD to the end. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
How is rejoicing in suffe ring different from just enduring suffering? Wh...
All day event
"There is no greater love than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" ~ John 15:13
As a child, Maximilian Kolbe (1 894-1941), had a deep devotion to Our Lady. On one occasion he had a visio n in which Mary offered him either a white garment, symbolizing purity, o r a red one, symbolizing martyrdom. "I choose both," the boy replied.
Following the German conquest of Poland in 1939, he was arrested, but soon released. Fr. Kolbe devoted himself to helping Jewish refugees; when the Nazis discovered this, he was again arrested and sent to the death ca mp Auschwitz in 1941. There he tried to set an example of faith and hope fo r the other prisoners. When a prisoner escaped from camp, the Germans chos e ten men at random and sentenced them to death by starvation; one of them was a Polish sergeant, Franciszek Gajowniczek. Fr. Kolbe left his place i n the ranks and asked permission from the commandant to take Gajowniczek's place. The shocked German officer agreed, and Kolbe a...
All day event
"Your constant love reaches the heavens; your fai thfulness extends to the skies.... Your justice is like the depth s of the sea.... Your are the source of all life, and because of your light we see the lights." ~ Psalm 36:5-7, 9
In his play Long Day's Journey into Night, Eugene O'Neill has Edmund d escribe a mystical experience. Actually, it was one that O'Neill himself h ad one night on a square-rigger bound for Buenos Aires. He wrote:
"F or a moment, I lost myself... I became the white sails and flying spray, became the beauty and the rhythm, became the moonlight and the ship and th e dim-starred sky! I belonged... within something greater than my own life. ... To God if you want." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What is the closest thin g I have ever had to an experience similar to O'Neill's?
"I was s natched up to the highest heaven... I heard things which cannot b e put into words." ~ 2 Corinthians 12:2-4
All day event
St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs
All day event
"The apostles gathered frequently to pray as a group, toget her with Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers." ~ Acts 1:14 A Chicago businessman wrote about his years of sharing his faith in a group with seven other businessmen: "I am in a faith-sharing group that me ets every Saturday morning at seven. We have never yet missed a meeting. We share our insights and reflections from our daily meditations of the past week. As we grew together, we developed a lot of love, a lot of compassio n. We have shared with each other more than our faith. We have shared our j oys, our pains and worries, our dreams and our hopes. We have shared our lives... There is nothing I would not do for the members of our group. I fe el very blessed." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Describe a similar unity you ha ve experienced with your Brother Knights. If you cannot recall any such exp eriences, why not?
"No machine can replace the human spark: comp assion, love and understanding." ~ Louis V. Ge...