[All day event] FRATERNITY is manhood to the highest degree
- Description:
- "We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those wh o through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." ~ Hebrews 6:12
It is the highest stage of manhood to have no wish, no though t, no desire, but Christ - to feel that to die were bliss, if it were fo r Christ - that to live in penury, and woe, and scorn, and contempt, an d misery, were sweet for Christ - to feel that it matters nothing what bec omes of one's self, so that our Master is but exalted - to feel that thoug h, like a mere leaf, we are blown in the blast, we are quite careless wh ither we are going, so long as we feel that the Master's hand is guiding u s according to His will; or, rather, to feel that though, like the diam ond, we must be exercised with sharp tools, yet we care not how sharply w e may be cut; so that we may be made fit brilliants to adorn his crown...< br> I do think that one of the worst sins a man can be guilty of in this world is to be idle. I can almost forgive a drunkard, but a la...
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[6:30pm] Knights of Columbus Council Meeting
- Description:
- Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM, dinner and the meeting to follow around 7:30 PM in Dwyer Hall.
7:00pm |
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