[All day event] PATRIOTISM is paving the way for generations yet to come
- Description:
- "LORD, I put my hope in you; I have trusted in you since I was young." ~ Psalm 71:5
When the Civil War broke out, Oliver Wendell Holmes volunteered for the Union and was wounded three times in thr ee different battles. After the war, he graduated from Harvard Law School , became a Supreme Court justice in 1902, and served until his death in 19 35. He said in a speech late in his life:
"As I grow older, I grow calm... I do not lose my hopes... I think it probable that civilization wil l somehow last as long as I care to look ahead... I think it not improbable that man like the grub that prepares a chamber for the winged thing it has never seen.. may have cosmic destinies he does not understand." ~ Mark Lin k, S.J.
What experience with God in the past gives you confidence n ow that He will be with you in the future? At the rate our assembly is curr ently moving, what do you foresee as our assembly's destiny?
Beh ind the cloud the starlight lurks, Throu...
8:00am |
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12:00pm |
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