" I know a certain Christian man who... was snatched up to t he highest heaven.... and there he heard things which cannot be put into wo rds." ~ 2 Corinthians 12:2-4
Astronaut James Irwin says th at when he, Scott, and Worden, blasted off on Apollo 15 to the moon, he thought it was merely "to get rocks and take some pictures." What happened , however, changed his life. He wrote in his book To Rule the Night: i>
"I wish I had been a writer or a poet so that I could convey more adequately the feeling of this flight. It has been sort of a sl ow-breaking revelation for me. The ultimate effect has been to deepen and s trengthen all the religious insight I ever had. It has remade my faith."
Later, he said in a public lecture: "God became closer and closer to us as we ventured deeper and deeper into space... I felt that power of G od as I never felt it before." ~ Mark Link S.J.
When was the last ti me God made His presence know at a Knights gatherin...
All day event
"When the centurion who stood facing hi saw how he breathed his last he said, Truly this man was the Son of God!" ~ Mark 15:39
Beneath the cross at Golgotha there stood a soldier to whom history and legend have given the name Longinus. It was he who, witnessing all the tr agic events of the Crucifixion, said of Jesus: "Clearly this man was the S on of God."
Legend says that Longinus was cured of partial blindness by the blood of Christ that feel on him and that he left soldiering to bec ome a Christian. He reportedly went on to lead a monastic life and, by his words and example, to win many souls for Christ. Some stories have him ar rested for his faith and brought before a judge. After Longinus refused to renounce his faith, according to those stories, the judge ordered his tee th to be knocked out and his tongue cut off. Picking up an ax and still abl e to speak, Longinus broke the idols into pieces crying out, "Now we shal l see whether they are gods." ~ J. M. Guerin
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St. Andrew, Apostle
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"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in tro uble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and fo am, though the mountains tremble with its tumult." ~ Psalm 46:1-3 < br>God is a sanctuary, a refuge from the cares of life. We can get away fr om the misunderstandings of others by retiring into our own place of medita tion. but from ourselves, from our own sense of failure, our weakness, o ur shortcomings, where can we flee? Only to the eternal God, our refuge, until the immensity of God's spirit envelopes our spirit and it loses its smallness and weakness and comes into harmony again with God's. ~ Fr. Pat U mberger
Pray that we may lose our limitations in the immensity of Go d's love. Pray that our spirit may be in harmony with God's spirit. < br> What difference does it make to know Jesus is LORD over all chaotic events? Where do you feel a need for His special pro...
All day event
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized th at they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." ~ Acts 4:13
The Disci ples were a band of illiterates, utterly devoid of social consequence, no t likely to be chosen by one having supreme regard to prudential considerat ions. Why would Jesus choose such men? The truth is that Jesus was obliged to be content with fishermen, publicans, and quondam zealots. Those who d eemed themselves better were too proud to become disciples. A few of good p osition were sincere sympathizers, but they were not eligible for apostles . Nicodemus was barely able to speak a timid apologetic word in Christ's be half, and Joseph of Arimathea was a disciple "secretly", for fear of the Jews. These were hardly the men to send forth as missionaries of the cross - men so fettered by social ties and so enslaved by the fear of man. Ans so Jesus was obliged to fall back on rustic, but simp...
All day event
"I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the shee p. As the Father knows me and I know the Father, in the same way I know my sheep and they know me." ~ John 10:1, 14-15
Jesus went o n to say, "There are other sheep which belong to me that are not in this s heep pen. I must bring them, too; they will listen to my voice and they w ill become one flock with one shepherd. The Father loves me because I am wi lling to give up my life.... that I may receive it back again. No one takes my life away from me. I give it up of my own free will... This is what my Father has commanded me to do (John 10:1, 14-18)." ~ Author Unknown
Who are the "other sheep" who listen to the shepherd's voice? Besides list ening to it in Scripture, where else might they listen for it?
" God talks to us at a level in ourselves that we cannot reach... an inner di mension that we didn't know we possessed until He declared Himself in it." ~ Louis Evely
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St. Frrancis Xavier, Priest
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"Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintainin g the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose." ~ Philippi ans 2:2
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centere d; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, People may accuse you of s elfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are success ful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed an yway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. The good you do today, people will often f orget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, a nd it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was n ever between you and them anyway. ~ Mother Teresa
What was a one tim e discouraging to you until you read Mother Teresa's words? Are ...
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell to you thi ngs great beyond reach of your knowledge." ~ Jeremiah 33:3
One day, Jerry was approached by his older brother, Jim, to join the Kn ights of Columbus. Jerry was just twenty-two years old at the time and crui sing along in life, so his response was "Why?"
His brother replied , "For the greater honor and glory of God."
That e xchange between brothers may have seemed insignificant at first. After all , many men are invited into the fraternity, but soon after they join, the y lose their way again. But in other instances, it is a wake-up call for a man, because he finds spiritual nourishment and Catholic brotherhood. Som etimes, this leads to untold influences on families, parishes and communi ties. This is what happened to Jerry. His thirty-eight years with the Knigh ts were capped by his election as State Deputy of Colorado. With his admini stration's theme of "For the greater honor and glory...
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St. John Damascene, Priest & Doctor of the Church
All day event
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people ch osen as his very own." ~ Psalm 33:12
These words were exce rpted from a speech General Douglas MacArthur delivered at West Point on Ma y 12, 1962. Every cadet entering the military academy receives a copy of t he General's address in its entirety.
Duty. Honor. Country. Those th ree hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can b e, what you will be. They are your rallying points, to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be litt le cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn..... They mold you for future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense. They t each you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentl e in success; not to substitute words for actions, not to seek the path o f comfort, but to face the stress and spur of difficulty and challenge.... They teach you to be modest so that you will remember...
All day event
"Then Jesus said to Thomas...."Stop your doubting and believ e." ~ John 20:27
Once, twins were conceived in a womb. Together they explored it saying, "How great is our mother's love that she shares with us her very life." Weeks passed; the twins began to change.
Th e first said to the second, "This means our life in the womb is coming to an end." The second replied, "I don't want it to end. I want to stay he re forever." The first said, "But maybe there is life after birt h." The second replied, "How can there be? We'll shed our mother's cord , and how is life possible without it?" The twins fell into doubt. "If life in the womb ends in death," they said, "What's the purpose?" And so the last days in the womb were filled with confusion and fear. Finally, the moment of birth came. When the twins opened their eyes, they cried fo r joy. For what they saw exceeded their wildest dreams. ~ Mark Link S.J.
What is the point of this parable?
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St. Ambrose, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
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"For the sake of my brothers, I say, "May peace be within you."" ~ Psalm 122:8
Sometimes TV reporters ask insensitive ques tions of people who have just suffered a tragedy. For example, John Cogan , a cancer victim, was asked how he felt about dying.
He stunned th e reporter saying, "There's a joy deep down inside me that I can't express . I feel perfectly free.... I want to reach out and embrace the whole unive rse."
Tragedy had set before John Cogan the choice of life and death in the ultimate sense of the word. He chose life - eternal life. ~ Mark Li nk S.J.
How can we accept unfortunate circumstances of our life? How can we help brother knights and their families when they face the imminent reality of death and help them see eternal life? How will you know when yo u've achieved true peace in your heart?
"I am the resurrection an d the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and eve ryone who lives and believes in me will never die...
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Ave Maria Catholic Church - Brownstein Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM the meeting to follow around 7:00 PM in Brownstein Hall.
Covid -19 guidelines:
- No food will be served, however drinks will be allowed .
- Hall to be cleaned up and sanitized (by officers) after the meetings.
- Masks are worn at all times unless it is the main speaker.
If you a re uncomfortable with meeting in person despite the precautions, please do not feel obligated to attend. There will not be any streaming of the meeti ng at this time.
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"And the angel of the LORD appeared unto Gideon, and said u nto him, "The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valor."" ~ Judges 6:12
The Midianites had been preying on the Israelites and their la nd. Gideon had lost all of his brothers in battle, but God put a thought i n his heart to save his people. He sent messengers throughout the land to f orm a band of fighting men. At first, an army of 32,000 men was formed. B ut many were not sure the LORD would lead them to victory. So God told Gide on to send home all those who were afraid to fight. Gideon saw that a small army of brave men would be better than a multitude of cowards, so he told anyone that was afraid to fight to go home. He was down to 10,000 men. Bu t God said that he needed only the best and bravest men, so he told Gideon to send his men to the water and He would show him which men to keep. At t he river, almost every man laid down his weapon and quenched their thirst. God told Gideon to send these men home. But a few me...
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The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary
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"Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For the who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Sp irit reap eternal life." ~ Galatians 6:7-8
In this verse, we ha ve encapsulated the entire Catholic teaching concerning the idea of "merit. " Many people think that when the Church speaks of "merit" she means "extra good deed you do to make up for Jesus' inadequate efforts at atonement for sin." But this completely misunderstands the Church's teaching. In reality , everything that we do that contributes to our salvation is the result of the grace of Christ, not a supplement to or a cause of grace. Sowing to t he Spirit (seeking God consistently in prayer, or doing works of mercy, o r faithfully approaching the sacraments), is not a thing we do to put God in our debt. We do this because God is at work in us already and inspiring us to obey Him. When we do obey Him we mysteriously...
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St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
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"Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask fo r advice." ~ Proverbs 13:10
It's hard to imagine a Christmas pro gram without Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer being on the music menu. The story behind the hit goes back 50 years. After his previous year 's blockbuster hit, Here Comes Santa Claus", Gene Autry was lookin g for a follow-up for the current year. One day the mail brought a recordin g of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It was the work of a young song writer named Johnny Marks. Autry listened to it, but he was not keen on it .
His wife, however, counseled otherwise. She felt kids would go f or it. They did! Today, more than 400 artists have recorded it, and over 100 million copies of the song have been sold. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Th e counsel of others often brings matters into perspective. ow readily do yo u seek the counsel of your Brother Knights? Hoe do you decide whose counsel to follow?
"You should be careful to ob...
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"The storm makes my heart beat wildly...God sends lightning across the sky....and torrents of drenching rain. He brings our work to a s top." ~ Job 37:1-2, 6-7
As a boy, Frederick Buechner loved the rain. He loved the feel of it on his face and legs. Above all, he wrote: "I loved the sound of it on trees and roofs and window panes.... I loved th e hiss of rubber tires on rainy streets and the flip-flop of windshield wip ers. I loved the smell of wet grass and raincoats and shaggy coats of dogs. A rainy day was a special day....a day when the ordinariness of things was suspended....and even people transformed....as the rain drew them closer." ~ Frederick Buechner, The Sacred Journey
Why do rainy days draw us closer: Why does this hold true for "figurative" rainy days as well?
How beautiful is the rain? After the dust and heat,< br>In the broad and fiery street, In the narrow lane, How beautiful is the rain. ~ Henry Wadswor...
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St. Damasus I, Pope
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Our Lady of Guadalupe
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"Who is this that comes forth like the dawn, as beautiful a s the moon, as resplendent as the sun...." ~ Song of Songs 6:10
In 1531, Mexican Aztecs had a death wish. Their entire civilization had b een destroyed by the Spaniards and many were forced to choose between bapti sm or death. A poor Indian named Juan Diego was walking to Mass when he hea rd his name called. He saw the Virgin Mary dressed in clothing symbolic to the Aztecs, including a brown rope tied around her waist, which symbolize d pregnancy. Her skin was dark like his own and she spoke his language. She comforted Diego and asked him to visit the Bishop of Mexico. He was to tel l the bishop her name was Santa Maria de Coatlallope and that she wanted a church built on the mountain. The bishop didn't believe Diego, but Our Lad y appeared to Diego again and sent him back to the bishop with a sign. Dieg o gathered roses from the mountain, Tepeyac, although the ground was dry and frozen. When he spilled the roses in front of ...
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"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, presse d down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap." ~ Luke 6:38 NIV
He said, "Why don't you wait in the car where i t's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan." Well, all she had was a f lat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. She asked him how muc h she owed him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He told her that if she reall y wanted to pay him back, she could take care of the next person who neede d help and "think of me". A few miles down the road the lady saw a small ca fe. Her waitress came over with a sweet smile. She was eight months pregnan t, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. Then the la dy remembered Bryan. After she finished her meal, she left the waitress fi ve $100 bills and a note - "You don't owe me anything, I have been there t oo. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you...
All day event
St. John of the Cross, Priest & Doctor of the Church
All day event
"Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will a lso do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these ." ~ John 14:12
We can do greater works when we have more experi ence of the new way of life. We can have all the power we need from God. We can have God's grace, God's spirit, to make us effective as we go along each day. Opportunities for a better world are all around us. Greater works can we do. But we do not work alone. The power of God is behind all our go od works. ~ Fr. Pat Umberger
Pray that we may find a right ful place in the world. Pray that our work may be made more effective by th e grace of God.
In the above verse, does Jesus means the Chu rch will do works greater in power? Greater in scope? How cou ld this be?
When there is no wind, row. ~ Chinese Prov erb
All day event
"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those wh o through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." ~ Hebrews 6:12
It is the highest stage of manhood to have no wish, no though t, no desire, but Christ - to feel that to die were bliss, if it were fo r Christ - that to live in penury, and woe, and scorn, and contempt, an d misery, were sweet for Christ - to feel that it matters nothing what bec omes of one's self, so that our Master is but exalted - to feel that thoug h, like a mere leaf, we are blown in the blast, we are quite careless wh ither we are going, so long as we feel that the Master's hand is guiding u s according to His will; or, rather, to feel that though, like the diam ond, we must be exercised with sharp tools, yet we care not how sharply w e may be cut; so that we may be made fit brilliants to adorn his crown...< br> I do think that one of the worst sins a man can be guilty of in this world is to be idle. I can almost forgive a drunkard, but a la...
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"Mary gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in ban ds of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for the m in the inn." ~ Luke 2:7
On this date, Mexican Catholics begin the beautiful celebration of Posadas ("shelter"). During this period, Mexican children dress up and reenact the Holly Family's search t o find a place where Mary can give birth to the Savior of the world. Every night for the next nine nights, the children knock on doors asking for she lter.
The celebration of Posados takes on specia l significance in these times, when so many homeless people walk the stree ts and alleys of so many major cities. ~ Mark Link, S. J.
How has o ur Council ministered to the needs of the homeless this year? How is our as sembly reaching out to homeless military veterans this Christmas season?
"I was a stranger but you did not welcome me into your homes. " ~ < /i>Matthew 25:43
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"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold togeth er." ~ Colossians 1:17
The Civil War was a very sad and t ragic chapter in the history of the United States. In no other struggle of this country have so many died and suffered. It was nearing its end when Ab raham Lincoln gave his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865. The conc luding paragraph of his address set the tone for recovery from the war:
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the wor k we are in, to bind up the nations' wounds, to care for him who shall ha ve borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all n ations."
Are there disagreements within your Council? Will you striv e to reconcile once a decision on a difficult issue is reached?
C ommit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he wil...
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, bu t Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." ~ Galatians 2:20
We sometimes think we do things for Christ. But today's scripture quote suggests that Christ's life shou ld be in and through us. It's like putting a tea bag in a cup of hot water. The water is us. The tea bag is the life of Christ. The water is not the t ea and the tea is not the water. The tea bag is for the water, but that by itself doesn't change the water. However when the tea bag is placed in the water, something does indeed cha nge. The water becomes indwelt by a new and dominant nature: the tea. The t ea is in the water, and the water is in the tea - just as we are "in Chris t", Christ is "in us". The tea has changed the nature of the water, so yo u would not say "would you like a cup of colored, f...
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Our Lady of the Visitation, 34201 Co Rd 33, Kiowa, CO 80117, U SA
St. Joseph's Assembly #2618 Monthly Meeting
Ave Maria
Pancake Breakfast (Tentative)
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"Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your serv ant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all." ~ i>Mark 10:43-44
They come from the day and night sky by parachute, glider and helicopter. They put their lives on the line to keep our nation free and many pay the ultimate price for that dedication to duty and countr y.
From the Troop Carrier Pilots, Glider Pilots and Helicopt er Pilots who must deliver their cargo of airborne soldiers safely to the D rop Zone or Landing Zone, to the paratroopers, glider troopers, and air assault troopers plunging into battle, airborne soldiers have always share d a common bond of brotherhood.
For fifty years, the united States Armed Forces have relied upon elite airborne units to lead the way i n difficult, dangerous and ital missions. The courageous men who have earn ed the "silver badges of courage" of the airborne forces have fought and di ed so their fellow Americans might live in freedom. ~ ...
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"The LORD who created you says, "Do not be afraid - I will save you.... I have called you by name - your are mine." ~ Isaiah 42:1< br> On Christmas Eve 1983, Tim Anderson and two college roommates were driving from Connecticut to Chicago. The car radio warned against going out side, because a wind chill of -80 below had hit the Midwest.
The boys dropped off one roommate in Fort Wayne and took off by a rural ro ute to the Indiana tollway. Miles from nowhere, their car choked, sputter ed, and died. No lights could be seen anywhere. As the frigid cold invaded their car, the desperate boys began to pray for help.
Suddenly, l ights appeared out of nowhere - a tow truck. It took them back to their fri end's house in Fort Wayne. Tim ran inside to get money for the tow fee.&nbs p;
When Tim returned, the stopped dead. No tow truck was in sight - and only one set of tire tracks was in the snow: their car's. ~ digested from Joan Webster Anderson's Where Angels <...
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St. Peter Canisius, Priest & Doctor of the Church
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"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward wh at is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 3:13 -14
In a race, it is when the goal is in sight that the heart and n erves and muscles and courage are strained almost to the breaking point. So it is with us. The goal of the spiritual life is in sight. All we need is the final effort. The saddest records are made by people who ran with brave , stout hearts, with the goal in sight, and then some weakness or self-i ndulgence held them back. They never knew how near they were to victory. ~ Fr. Pat Umberger
Pray that we may press on until the goal is reached . Pray that we may not give up in the final stretch.
What prize (see above verse) are Knights after? How are we going to reach it?
Al l men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by ni...
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO - Dwyer Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM, dinner and the meeting to follow around 7:30 PM in Dwyer Hall.
All day event
"Do not come any closer, "God said, "Take off your sandals , for the place where you are standing is holy ground." ~ Exodus 3:5 Christian service means invading a battleground, not a playground; and you and I are the weapons God uses to attack and defeat the enemy. When God used Moses' rod, He needed Moses' hand to lift it. When God used Davi d's sling, He needed David's hand to swing it. When God builds a ministry , He needs somebody's surrendered body to get the job done. You are importa nt to the LORD, so keep your life pure. There is no substitute for Christi an character. No matter how much talent and training we may have, if we do n't have character, we don't have anything... The person so cultivates int egrity realizes that there can be no division between "secular and sacred" in the Christian life; everything must be done to the glory of God (1 Cori nthians 10:31). God reminded two of his greatest leaders, Moses (Exodus 3: 5), and Joshua (Joshua 5:15), that the servant o...
All day event
"You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come a t an hour when you do not expect Him." ~ Luke 12:40
Imagine ther e is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carrie s over no lance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out ever y cent, or course!
Each of us has such a bank - it's TIME. Every mo rning it credits us with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lo st, whatever we have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for us. Ea ch night it burns the remains of the day. If we fail to use the day's depos its, the loss is ours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". ~ Author unknown
We must live in the present on tod ay's deposits. Invest it to gain the utmost in CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY and PATRIOTISM! The clock is running......
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St. John of Kanty, Priest
All day event
"So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the hou se and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, th e time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because ther e was no room for them in the inn." ~ Luke 2:4-7
I'll never forg et that first Christmas Eve in captivity. It was terribly cold, and though I knew of one other American nearby, I was still alone. My body ached, a nd my woulds were only beginning to heal. In my ice-cold misery, I heard a Christmas carol. It was an incredible surprise. For a moment I thought my mind was playing treacherous tricks - "Silent Night, Holy Night." The fide lity was awful. but it was the first song I had heard since bailing out mor e than a month ago. Scratches and all, that carol was ...
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, I bring yo u good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the LORD." ~ Luk e 2:10-11
Strange is our situation here on earth, each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a pur pose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we k now:
That Man is here for the sake of other Men. Above all for th ose upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also fo r the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner li fe is built upon the labors of my fellow men, both living and dead, and h ow earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I ha ve received. ~ Albert Einstein
Brother to Brother, family to family , we celebrate as Knights the birth of our Saviour, the...
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The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ
All day event
"Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man w hose ways are perverse." ~ Proverbs 28;6
A man is called to man hood defined by the life of Jesus Christ. Exciting but shallow pleasures, the kind that do not require us to worry a out some deep call to manhood, may disguise themselves as true happiness. Power, money, status, connect ions, achievement, success, possessions, food, sex, recreation: lots of things, many of them good in their place, get defined as the source of happiness. But none of these characterized the life of Christ. While these false pleasures make us feel good, they do not produce a contentment that survives loss, a joy that deepens through suffering, a humble confidence that persists through failure and setback. By going after these sources of pleasure, we reduce ourselves to puppets, supported by strings that, if cut, leave us in a heap on the ground.
No man can be happy without living out the call to make visible that which is hard to see a...
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St. Stephen, The First Martyr
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"Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with every one." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Dan Begley settled into his plane s eat in Seattle, hoping to get a lot of work done before arriving in Dallas .
Just then a mother and three kids got on. The mother and a four-ye ar old sat behind him; the two older kids, next to him. Once airborne, t hey began turning around every ten minutes to ask their mother, "Where are we now?" Dan's irritation rose to the "danger" level. Suddenly an "inner v oice" told him, "Be patient! Love these kids. They need it."
He put away his work, took the in-flight magazine, turned to the flight map, a nd showed the kids the route to Dallas. He divided the route into 15 - minu te lengths so that they could see exactly where they were at any moment. Th en he explained a lot of things about planes to them.
As the plane touched down in Dallas, Dan asked if their father would be waiting. A short silence ensued. Then one of the kids said softl...
All day event
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph
All day event
The Holy Innocents, Martyrs
All day event
"His master said, "Well done, good and faithful servant! Y ou have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" ~ Matthew 25:23-24
These words are for many ordinary people whom the world may pass by, u n-recognizing. Not to the world-famed, the proud, the wealthy, are these words spoken, but to the quiet followers who bravely serve God unobtrusiv ely yet faithfully, who bear their crosses bravely and put a smiling face to the world. "Enter into the joy of your LORD." Pass into that fuller spir itual life, which is a life of joy and peace. ~ Fr. Pat Umberger
We pray that we may not desire for the world's applause. We pray that we may not seek rewards for doing what we believe is right.
The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Have we Knights maximized service to our parish and our communit y this past year?
This service that you per...
All day event
"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! ~ Psalm 133:1
When I was in college, I joined a "crew" i n an eight-man shell with coxswain. When we first learned to row together i t was extremely awkward, with the oars slapping from side to side and the boat rocking. But after months of practice, we were able to row with great speed through the water.
Even though each of the individual men was rowing with extremely violent force, the timing and cooperation was so pe rfect that there would be no side movement in the boat. When rowing reached racing speed, the hull would rise slightly out of the water. There is poe tic beauty in the intuitive sense of teamwork and unity among men. The slig htest wrong move by any of the oarsmen can ruin a race. Not only was it a joy to compete well, but the privilege to experience that perfection of teamwork was a spiritual reward in itself.
Serving should have the sweet spiritual reward of being a team me...
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St. Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr
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"Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment And the second is lik e unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. ~& nbsp;Matthew 22:37-40
How is loving God related to loving your neig hbor? In what way do you want to grow in love right now: &nbs p;Toward God? Toward your family? Towa rd your Brother Knight? Toward the needy? &nbs p;Toward yourself?
Love is the verb of which God is the object. ~ Lycurgus M. Starkey, Jr.
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"I pray.... that all of them may be one, Father, just as y ou are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." ~ John 17:21
Rise up, O m en of God, Have done with lesser things, Give heart and soul and mi nd and strength To serve the King of kings. Bring in the day of broth erhood And end the night of wrong. The Church for you doth wait,&nbs p; Her strength unequal to her task; Rise up, and make her great.< br>Lift high the cross of Christ, Tread where His feet have trod; A s brothers of the Son of man, Rise up, O men of God. ~ William P. Merr ill
Brother Knights, what are your new year's resolutions for the g reater honor and glory of God?
Finally, brothers, wha tever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, w hatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise - think about such things....
All day event
St. Sylvester I, Pope
6:00am - 7:00am
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." ~ Romans 12:2
At the dawn of the new millennium, Pope John Paul II invited t he faithful to recommit to the Gospel by taking a pledge to work for peace and justice. It reads as follows:
As disciples of Jesus in the new m illennium, I (we) pledge to - Pray regularly for greater justice and peace Learn more about Catholic social teach ing and its call to protect human life, stand with the &nbs p;poor, and care for creation. Reach across boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, and disabling conditions. &nbs p; Live justly in family life, school, work, the marketplace, a nd the political arena. Serve those who are poor and vuln erable, sharing more time and talent. Give more generous ly to those in need at home and abroad. Advocate for publ ic policies that protect human life, promote human dignity, preserve God...