St. Vincent, Deacon & Martyr; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin
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"Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives." ~ Ephesians 3:3-5
In early 1984, the Olympic flame was flown f rom its home in Olympia, Greece, to New York City. Runners then carried i t to Los Angeles.
As it went from city to city, something beautiful began to happen. Towns greeted the runners ringing church bells and blowin g fire sirens. Tears flowed down people's cheeks and spontaneous singing br oke out.
One elderly lady spoke fro many when she said to a runner, "Thank you, son, for making me feel like this again."
When the to rch reached the Coliseum, 93,000 people stood and cheered wildly. It clim axed and experience of unity that few Americans will ever forget. ~ Mark Li nk, S.J.
What can I personally do to nourish unity in our Council?< br> "The strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the W olf is the Pack." ~ Rudyard Kipling, The Second Jungle Book
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"When you have done all you have been told to do, say, 'We are ordinary servants; we have only done our duty." ~ Luke 17: 9-10 Everett Alvarez Jr. made John Wayne cry when they met at a White Hous e dinner. Alvarez was the first American pilot shot down over North Vietnam . For many Americans he symbolized the suffering of all who served i n Vietnam. Alvarez spent 8 years as a POW. He was fed dead birds, rice cra wling with roaches, and sewer-water soup to make him sick and weak. In a s mall yard outside his cell, he scratched the outline of a cross in the pai nted stucco. Later he would add the words, "LORD, I am not worthy, but o nly say the word and my soul shall be healed." To stay focused on survival , Alvarez re-enacted daily all that he could recall of the Mass as an altar boy. When he was put with other POWs, Alvarez found strength in teamwork. The very few Americans who chose not to be part of the group were more int erested in themselves and ultimately collaborated wit...
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St. Francis De Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
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"To be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace." ~ Romans 8:6
The vast crowd in Washington broke into a thunderou s applause when Lincoln arrived for his second inaugural. It stunned him, because he'd gotten so used to boos. No president in history had been hated so bitterly as he had been, because of the war and his stand on slavery.& nbsp;
The crowd grew deathly silent when he began his address. It w as an amazing speech, ending with these words:
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gi ves us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; t o bind up the nation's woulds; to care for him who shall have borne the ba ttle, and for his widow and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and c herish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." ~ Ma rk Link, S.J.
Lincoln's sentiments have withstood the test of time. How has our assembly served our community and nation...
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The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
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"My love for you will never says the LORD who love s you." ~ Isaiah 54:10
Dr. Jonas Salk won fame for developing a polio vaccine in 1953. His brother, Dr. Lee Salk, wrote a popular book, called Mr. Father, My Son.
He began the gook by d escribing a touching scene between his father and himself. He wrote:
"One blustery winter afternoon in 1944, my father waited with me in Penn Station for the train that would take me away to the army center where I wo uld begin my World War II military service. He looked at me with tears clou ding his eyes, hugged me tightly, kissed me on the cheek and told me good -bye in a choked voice. Then, wanting to give me something...he took off h is watch and gave it to me." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
When have you felt t he love of a parent or child as deeply as Dr. Salk and his father felt for each other? How did you express it?
Two people who love each othe r are in a place more holy than the interior of a ch...
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St. Angela Merici, Virgin
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"We are one body in union with Christ." ~ Romans 12:5
John XXIII's Journal of a Soul has this entry date d November 1939: "Every evening from my window I see an assemblage of fishi ng boats... They come around in tens and hundreds... One can hear the cheer ful voices of the fishermen. I find the sight very moving. The other night , towards one o'clock, it was pouring with rain, but the fishermen were s till there, undeterred from their heavy toil... What an inspiring example to us, who are fishermen of Jesus Christ. We must do as they do - work day and night with our torches lit, each in his own little boat - yet working as a team for the spread of God's Kingdom on earth." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What kind of new leadership initiatives might the Knights undertake na tionally to spread God's Kingdom on earth:
"Our chief want in lif e is somebody who shall make us do what we can." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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"In the day of my trouble I shall call upon thee, for thou wilt answer me." ~ Psalm 86:7 KJV
On this date in 1985, seven brave Americans died as they reached for the stars aboard the space s huttle Challenger. As our nation mourned, our faith compelled us to consider the contradictions -
....that a flowering plant might spro ut from volcanic ash, ....that days after a devastating earthquake we m ight discover the survival of helpless infants,< br>....that the violence of conflict might yield to the peace of reconcilia tion, ....and that in the horror of so vividly seeing seven human lives instantaneously obliterated, we might re member the Easter mystery of the Resurrection.
For the crew of the < i>Challenger - Gregory Jarvis, Christa McAuliffe, Ronald McNair , Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Dick Scobee and Michael Smith ... they were escaping the bounds of earth, looking towards the heavens,...
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St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
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"If you forgive... your Father in heaven will also forgive y ou." ~ Matthew 6:14
A young man, whose father had abandoned his family, was on retreat. At one point, he imagined himself kneeling befor e Jesus as he hung on the cross. He wrote:
"An enormous guilt was up on me. I wept for forgiveness. As I wept, God forgave me... He loved me in all my filth...I took the next day off from work to think and pray. While I was reading the Bible, I began to think of my father.... That night I we nt to his apartment and asked his forgiveness for hating him.... We hugged and kissed one another.... I took a cab most of the way home that night, b ut I wanted to walk the last couple of blocks. Joy overflowed me... With ar ms outstretched, I screamed, "I love you, God!" He blessed me greatly th at night. ~ Letter to Mark Link, S.J.
What keeps me from forgiving others?
"We are like beasts when we kill. We are like men when we judge. We are like God when we forgive." ~ E. C....