Tue, May 4, 2032
Public Access

Category: All

May 2032
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  [All day event] UNITY is building a temple
"So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but yo u are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of Go d, Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Je sus himself as the capstone. Through him the whole structure is held togeth er and grows into a temple sacred in the LORD; in him you also are being b uilt together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit." ~ Ephesians 2:19-22

Charles Schulz, author of the Peanuts cartoons , once said, "How can you go to something that you are already a part of? If you are a Christian, you are the Church."

Someone else said, "That's precisely my problem with the Church. How can I believe that Christ founded it, when I see so many second-rate Christians mutilat e its teachings so badly?" To that, someone replied, "That's like saying , 'How can I believe in the musical talent of Beethoven, when I hear so ma ny second-rate musicians mutilate his Ninth Symphony so...

6:00pm [6:00pm] Knights of Columbus Meeting - Tentative
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM the meeting to follow around 7:00 PM in Brownstein Hall. Covid -19 guidelines: - No food will be served, however drinks will be allowed . - Hall to be cleaned up and sanitized (by officers) after the meetings. - Masks are worn at all times unless it is the main speaker. If you a re uncomfortable with meeting in person despite the precautions, please do not feel obligated to attend. There will not be any streaming of the meeti ng at this time.
