Tue, June 1, 2027
Public Access

Category: All

June 2027
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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  [All day event] The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

[All day event] UNITY is becoming part of the mix
"The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A woman takes some yeas t and mixes it with a bushel of flour until the whole batch of dough rises. " ~ Matthew 13:33

A teacher told her class, "When I was a girl , my grandma gave me a big cucumber inside a bottle with a narrow neck. She said she'd tell me a 'big secret' when I figured out how she got it into t he bottle. One day I was walking in Grandma's garden, and I saw a bottle i nto which she had inserted a vine with a tiny cucumber on it. Now I knew ho w she got the cucumber in the bottle; she grew it there. 

The n Grandma told me her 'big secret'. She said a 'good habit' formed in child hood is like a tiny cucumber inserted in a bottle - or like a tiny bit of y east inserted in dough. The habit grows so big and strong inside you that n o one can take it away from you. ~ Mark Link, S.J.

What is one good habit, formed in childhood, which has grown bigger in you? What are some good habits and/or bad habits our Council...

6:00pm [6:00pm] Knights of Columbus Meeting - Tentative
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM the meeting to follow around 7:00 PM in Brownstein Hall. Covid -19 guidelines: - No food will be served, however drinks will be allowed . - Hall to be cleaned up and sanitized (by officers) after the meetings. - Masks are worn at all times unless it is the main speaker. If you a re uncomfortable with meeting in person despite the precautions, please do not feel obligated to attend. There will not be any streaming of the meeti ng at this time.
