St. Joseph Kaffee House
- Description:
Monthly Event for persons with Special Needs and their families and caregivers.
[All day event] St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
- Description:
- St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
[All day event] UNITY is knowing Jesus is the answer
- Description:
- "....And all the people shall answer and say 'Amen!" ~ D euteronomy 27:15
Do you know that Jesus is the answer or do you some times forget during the course of a busy day?
"The only important decision we have to make is to live with God; He will make all the rest." ~ Unknown Author
6:00am |
[6:00am] Father's Team/Men's Ministry Meeting
- Description:
- Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
7:00am |
8:00am |
9:00am |
10:00am |
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
2:00pm |
3:00pm |
4:00pm |
5:00pm |