Sat, July 3, 2021
Public Access

Category: All

July 2021
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  [All day event] FRATERNITY is doubting and then believing
"Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgive n them, and whose sins you retain are retained." ~ John 20:22-23
Like the other apostles (except for Judas Iscariot), Thomas was from Gal ilee, and - in spite of his weakness - was committed to being a follower o f Christ. Thomas is best known for his initial unwillingness to believe in Jesus' Resurrection; instead of accepting the testimony of others, he dem anded to see the Risen LORD for himself (John 21:24-29). His statement of d oubt ("unless I see and touch, I will not believe"), however, was later replaced by an expression of faith ("my LORD and my God!"). Also, Thomas h ad on an earlier occasion expressed a willingness to die for Christ (John 1 1:16). According to legend, St. Thomas did indeed die for Christ, being m artyred in southern India after spending some years there as a missionary. ~ J. M. Guerin

Spiritual growth is not always a steady progression; it often has ups and downs. We, like St. Thomas, tend...

[All day event] Parish July 3rd Celebration
There is no 11:00 AM mass, but volunteers are needed to assist for setting up, and preparing the meals (hamburgers, hot dogs and brats) , for cooking. 9:00 AM - mass with Bishop; following mass Bishop will speak and Adoration until approximately Noon. 11:00 AM - setup and prepar ation 12:00 PM - meals, events and games commence Entertainment is pro vided by a band out of Colorado Springs. Please come out, participate and support this highly anticipated social event. To register, log into ou r website under Events menu, then click July 4th Volunteer, then click on the "red" Yes button.

[All day event] St. Thomas, Apostle
St. Thomas, Apostle
