Sat, April 24, 2021
Public Access

Category: All

April 2021
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  [All day event] FRATERNITY is shining forth in a crisis situation"Teach me, LORD, what you want
"Teach me, LORD, what you want me to do." ~ Psal m 86:11

Singer Pearl Bailey died in 1990. Her heart was a big as her body. Her spirit truly shined when an Amtrak train with 400 passengers on board jumped the track in Mansfield, Ohio, slamming into an embankment. A mid the wreckage and confusion, a familiar voice rang out calmly, "This i s Pearl, honey! Don't worry! Everything's going to be all right!"

D ressed only in a night robe and sneakers, she took a leadership role, bec oming a big sister to the injured passengers, calming and helping them. "S he was something out there!" said one of the rescue workers. ~ Mark Link, S.J.

What kind of brother are you in ordinary situations? Perhaps mo re importantly, what kind of brother are you in crisis situations?

"No personal consideration should stand in the way of performing a publi c duty." ~ Author unknown

[All day event] Jesus Our Hope Retreat House - KoC Cabrini
Due to Covid-19, the KoC at Mother Cabrini are hosting a Golf Tournament at Applewood Golf Course. http://www.jesus-our-hope.org/about. n Costs: $85.00 per golfer, includes green fee, cart, range balls, gol f and door prizes, and box lunch. $13.00 per non-golfer, includes box lun ch. Check-in: 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM Shotgun start: 8:00 AM Register as a single golfer or foursome. Tournament committee will assign team members t o even out a foursome. Mulligans and string are available at check-in. A do nation of $5.00 per mulligan and $10.00 for the string is recommended (limi t two mulligans per golfer). Limit one 3 foot length of string per foursome . RSVP (phone/email) and mail checks no later than April 14th to: John Barder, 8222 West Nichols Ave., Littleton, CO 80128 (303) 972-3191; bar derjlp@msn.com

[All day event] St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest & Martyr
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest & Martyr
