[All day event] CHARITY is using our gifts from God to help others
- Description:
- "Give to others, and God will give to you....The measure yo u use for others is the one that God will use for you." ~ Luke 6: 38
What keeps you from giving more than you do? How has our Council used its coffers, however small or large, to help our parish and communit y?
"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shad e you do not expect to sit." ~ Nelson Henderson
8:00am |
9:00am |
[9:00am] Tootsie Roll Drive Fundraiser
- Description:
- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Volunteers needed: please sign up on parker knights.org website, or contact Burt Stevens at oldbogiebs@aol.com
10:00am |
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
2:00pm |
3:00pm |
4:00pm |
5:00pm |