"Every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you proclaim the LORD's death until he comes." ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26 Saint Mark ends his account of the Last Supper, saying, "Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives (Mark 14:26)." The Disciples fe lt a deep joy as they walked along under the stars. But it was bittersweet , for Jesus had said man sorrow-tinged things. He said, "This is my body, which is given for you... This is my blood, which is poured out for you ( Luke 22:19-20)."
Even though Jesus warned his disciples that he was to die violently (Matthew 16:21), they never quite got the point. ~ Mark L ink, S.J.
As we reflect on these daily readings, are we getting Hi s point? Are we hearing God's call of the Knights, as the right arm of the Church?
"Every time ministers cal their people around the table , they call them to experience not only the LORD's presence but his absence as well; they call them to.... sadness as well as...
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"The harvest is large, but there are few workers." ~ Ma tthew 9:37
Kate Drexel came from a wealthy family in Philadelphia. R iding through the city one day in the 1880s, Kate saw the tragic plight of African-American children living in hideous slum conditions. When she prob ed their plight, she became convinced that prejudice, broken promises, a nd unjust laws were creating a cycle of ignorance and powerlessness for the se children. Kate decided to do something.
She founded the Si sters of the Blessed Sacrament to work among African-American and Native Am erican children. By the time Mother Katharine Drexel died, she had spent n early $20 million of her own personal fortune on this work. The order she f ounded over a hundred years ago continues her work. Her canonization was gr anted by Pope John Paul II. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
If you had $20 millio n to spend as you wished, what is one thing you would use it for immediate ly?
"A mans' true wealth hereafter, is th...
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St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin
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"I love you just as the Father loves me." ~ John 15:9
Someone asked an old chief "Why're you always talking about Jesus?"
The chief didn't say anything. Instead, he collected some dry grass a nd twigs and put them into a circle. Next he caught a caterpillar, feeding on a nearby clump of weeds. He placed it inside the circle. Then, he took a match and set fire to the dry grass and the twigs. As the fire blazed up , the caterpillar began to search for an escape.
At this point the old chief extended his finger to the caterpillar. Instantly, it climbed on to it. He said, "That's what Jesus did for me. I was like the caterpillar , without hope. Then Jesus rescued me. How can I not talk abo ut my Savior's love and mercy?" ~ Mark Link, S.J.
How grateful are you for what Jesus did for us? How do you show it concretely?
"It wasn't the nails that held Jesus on the cross but his love for us." ~  ; Author unknown
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St. Casimir
Ave Maria Catholic Church - Brownstein Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM the meeting to follow around 7:00 PM in Brownstein Hall.
Covid -19 guidelines:
- No food will be served, however drinks will be allowed .
- Hall to be cleaned up and sanitized (by officers) after the meetings.
- Masks are worn at all times unless it is the main speaker.
If you a re uncomfortable with meeting in person despite the precautions, please do not feel obligated to attend. There will not be any streaming of the meeti ng at this time.
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"These three remain: faith, hope and love; and the greates t of these is love."~ 1 Corinthians 13:13
Helen Hayes was not ye t a famous actress, when she met her future husband, Charlie MacArthur. S he wrote: "I was at a party feeling very shy because there were a lot of ce lebrities around. I was sitting in a corner alone and a very handsome young man came up to me and offered me some salted peanuts and said, "I wish th ey were emeralds." And that was the end of my heart. I never got it back."< br> In the final years of her famous life, Helen was sitting alone agai n. This time and older Charlie came up to her, gave her a handful of emera lds, and said, "I wish these were peanuts." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Hav e you experienced love, as Helen did? Have you expressed it, as Charlie d id?
"He came into my life as the warm wind of spring awakened the flowers, as the April showers awaken the earth. My love for him was uncha nging.... strong as death." ~ A. Chennault
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"The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to g ive his life for them." ~ John 15:13
Reverend Benny Newton was w atching the news when rioting erupted in Los Angeles following the acquitta l of the policemen involved in the Rodney King beating.
He rushed to the rioting scene, arriving just after an angry mob had pulled Fidel Lope z from his truck, stripped him, spray-painted him, and began beating him . Throwing himself across Lopez's body, he yelled, "If you kill him, you 'll have to kill me too." WHen the mob backed-off, Newton drove Lopez to a hospital, where the trucker received 58 stitches in his forehead. "He put his life in mine," Lopez said, "He saved me." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Imagine you are Fidel Lopez. What are your thoughts before and after Newton intervened?
"You may forget the brother with whom you laughed, but you will never forget the brother with whom you cried." ~ adapted f rom an Arab Proverb
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"Sing hymn and psalms to the LORD with praise in your hearts ." ~ Ephesians 5:19
Irving Berlin, was the most popular America n songwriter of the century. He died in 1989 at the age of 101. The Berlin family came to New York as part of the tide of Jewish immigrants from Czari st Russia in 1893. A keen observer of the western culture, young Irving be gan his music career as a singing waiter, parodying hit songs. He went on to write 1,500 tunes and 19 Broadway shows. His "God Bless America" became the nation's second national anthem. His "White Christmas" became history' s top-selling song.
A fellow songwriter, Harold Aren, said of Berl in's songs, "They sound as if they were born that way - God Almighty - not written!" ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What is your favorite patriotic song?< br> "God respects me when I work, but he loves me when I sing." ~ i>Rabinranath Tagore
All day event
Sts. Perpetua & Felicity, Martyrs
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
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"Everyone who makes himself great will be humbled, and ever yone who humbles himself will be made great." ~ Luke 14:11
The c artoon character Charlie Brown is based on a real person. He worked with ju venile delinquents, often housing them temporarily in his own home. After the real Charlie Brown died in 1983, a friend said of him, "He saw his ow n life as the doing of daily works of charity in imitation of Christ and th e saints."
Charles Schulz - the Charlie Brown creator - was a friend of the real Charlie. He sometimes offered him a share of the cartoon profi ts, but Charlie always refused. He had no big interest in money. Nor did C harlie go about telling people that he was the real Charlie Brown. ~ Mark L ink, S.J.
Can you ever recall bragging about yourself or seeking re cognition from others? To what extent do you still do it? Why?
"U ntil we lose ourselves, there is no hope of finding ourselves." ~ Henr y Miller