"(Jesus said of his disciples' failure to stay awake and pra y,) 'The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." ~ Mark 14:38 < br>There's an old story about a farmer who was perennially plagued by a lar ge rock located in the center of his field. Apart from the inconvenience of plowing around it each year, he sometimes forgot it and damaged equipment on it. He swore that he would take time off some day and dig it out once a nd for all. But he kept putting it off year after year. One day he decided to act. To his surprise, the rock was almost totally on the surface and qu ite easily removed.
He thought to himself, "Why did it take me so long to get around to digging it up? How much grief I could have save d myself had I removed it right away!" ~ William Bennett
What rocks has our Council procrastinated in removing this year?
"Work as th ough everything depends on you; pray as though everything depends on God." ~ attributed to St. Ignatius of Loyola
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"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." ~ Proverbs 21:5
St. Cyril, later recognized as a great teacher of the Church, began his career as Archbishop of Alexa ndria with impulsive, often violent, actions. He pillaged and closed the churches of Novatian heretics, participated in the deposing of St. John Ch rysostom and confiscated Jewish property in retaliation for their attacks o n Christians. His style would later hurt him as he championed the cause of orthodoxy against the heresy of Nestorius, who declared that Mary could no t be the mother of the one Person who is truly God and truly human. Eventua lly, Cyril learned to practice moderation and overcome Nestorius and his t eachings. He was later declared a doctor of the church.
The lives of the saints are valuable not only for the virtue they reveal but also for t he less than admirable qualities they overcome. Holiness is a gift from God to be used in our daily lives. We try to respond ...
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St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
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"For thou, O LORD, art good and forgiving, abounding in s teadfast love to all who call on thee." ~ Psalm 86:5
When it all comes down to it, this is the most astonishing fact about God: that he fo rgives and loves us. If that seems like a commonplace, then we haven't rea lly encountered God. As Peter Kreeft said long ago, that the "god" of feel -good religion should love us is a commonplace. What else should such a sim pering, nice, harmless fellow do His only creed is "Niceness is Nice" so of course he "loves" us. It's his duty. But that the real God loves us... t hat the power who hurled Andromeda and made the tiger and shatters the ceda rs with lightning... who was steeped in Eternity when the dinosaurs came an d went like a flash in the pan. That this God loves, us, forgives us, an d others his tender head about us to the degree that he is willing to be cr ucified for us; that is a thunderbolt. Rejoice in the glory and mercy of t hat Thunderbolt. ~ Dr. Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins ...
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Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles
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"(The LORD) said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, f or power is made perfect in weakness.' I will rather boast most gladly of m y weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me." ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9
Saints Peter and Paul were the two greatest apost les, and the two most important leaders of the early Church. Peter was a f isherman, and followed Jesus throughout His public ministry. Paul persecut ed the early Church before his conversion. Peter was largely uneducated; P aul's careful education helped him become one of the greatest religious thi nkers of all history.
Peter was directly appointed by Christ in the presence of the other apostles (Matthew 16:18-19); Paul received his autho rity from Christ during a personal conversion and spiritual experience (Act s 22:6-10, 14-16). Both men considered themselves to be profoundly unworth y (Luke 5:8; 1 Corinthians 15:9), yet each was capable of fulfilling his mission - only through Christ's grace (Luke 22:31...
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"(Jesus chose Simon and Andrew), James and John, Philip an d Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, and Simon (... the Patriot), Judas son of James and Judas Iscariot." ~ Luke 6:14-16 To: Jesus of Nazareth From: Jerusalem Business Consultants, Inc.< br> We have reviewed the resumes of your candidates for managerial posts . We recommend you continue your search. Peter is too emotional and prone t o faulty snap judgement's (Luke 22:33). James and John lack a team spirit a nd are prone to be hotheads (Matthew 20:20-21, Luke 9:54). Thomas will mis s meetings and is a skeptic Simon is a left-wing political zealot who would fight constantly with Matthew, and establishment tax collector, currentl y under investigation by our bureau.
The only candidate you should r etain is the highly motivated and competitive, Judas Iscariot. ~ Inspired by similar accounts
What do you think Jesus was looking for most in those He chose to be His twelve apostles? How do you ...
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The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
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"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." ~ Jam es 4:8
The grace of God can cure disharmony and disorder in human re lationships. We can put our affairs, with their confusion and their diffic ulty directly into God's hands. God can begin to effect a cure of all the d isharmony and disorder. We can believe that God will cause us no more pain in the doing of it than a physician, who plans and know that he can effect a cure, would cause his patient. We can have faith that God will do all t hat is necessary as painlessly as possible. But we must be willing to submi t to God's treatment, even if we cannot now see the meaning or purpose of it. ~ Fr. Pat Umberger
We pray that we may willingly submit to whate ver spiritual discipline is necessary. We pray that we may accept whatever it takes to live a better life.
How can drawing closer to God streng then our Council and assembly?
"The achievements of an organizati on are the results of the combined effort of e...
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St. Junipero Serra, Priest
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
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"He will not argue or shout... He will not break off a bent reed, nor put out a flickering lamp." ~ Matthew 12:19-20
Someon e described Cardinal Bernardin as "the kindest, gentlest man I ever knew." Thousands of people in Chicago agreed. The front-page story of his burial described how people stood in the cold, waiting, in some cases, for half a day and three deep. "An eerie, respectful silence followed the cortege as it snaked through the city... People held signs, lit candles, rang bel ls and held pictures. At Wabash Avenue and Randolph Street, a roller blade r in skin-tight purple and yellow jumpsuit stood with head bowed, hands in prayer... A boy in blue winter jacket held up a sign he had colored on a s heet of orange paper. "Bye, Joe," it said. "You have everlasting life." ~ Chicago Tribune
Cardinal Bernardin practiced what Fredrick W. Faber preached years ago: "Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence and learning." What Council activ...