"I went past the field of the sluggard, past the vineyard o f the man who lacks judgment; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground w as covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins. I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man." ~ Proverbs 24:30-34
Saint Paul challenges all of us as men to finish the race a nd to be on our guard. He knows that even if we've built a positive legacy to this point, there are wolves waiting at the door, ready to tear it fro m our grip and steal it away. He knows that we can lose our testimony as a role model in a single unguarded moment.
Don't let anyone rob a life time of influence on your wife and your children. Don't let moral poverty s neak up on you like a slinking wolf and rip away your witness for Jesus Chr ist. Guard your heart! Guard it in the limitless...
All day event
"Christ Jesus... gave himself to redeem all mankind." ~ 1 Timothy 2:5-6
This month, back in 1865, the slain body of Presid ent Lincoln lay in state in Cleveland, Ohio. It was on its way from Washin gton, DC to Springfield, Illinois, where it would be buried. In the long line of people filing past the body was a poor black woman and her little son. When they reached the president's body, the woman lifted up her son a nd said in a hushed voice, "Honey, take a long, long look. That man died for you."
What that mother said about Lincoln, every mother could say to her child about Jesus. Both Jesus and Lincoln tell us that waging wa r against evil involves great personal suffering - even the loss of one's o wn life. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Against what modern evil should the Knig hts be willing to wage war and suffer much - even losing our lives, if nec essary?
"It's important that people know what you stand for. It's equally important that they know what you won't st...
All day event
St. Isidore, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
All day event
"For thou, O LORD, art good and forgiving, abounding in s teadfast love to all who call on thee." ~ Psalm 86:5
THE PASS ION OF THE CHRIST a movie directed by Mel Gibson, has depicted t he last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life, in no way that the film industry has ever dramatized before. It underscores the emotion, pain and passion o f the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Anyone who has seen the movie came out o f the theatre understanding better just how incredible his love for us is. Everything about the Son of God comes down to this: he forgives us because he loves us. As we all know love is the cornerstone o the virtue of Charity . If you have seen the movie, especially with others in a movie theatre, the sense of unity and fraternity that it offers is profound.
The ne xt time you receive the Body and Blood of Christ, remember that it is his actual Body and Blood, and that despite how dramatic the movie might have been, it still pales in comparison to receiving and e...
Ave Maria Catholic Church - Brownstein Hall
Officers and Directors meeting at 6:00 PM, Rosary beginning at 6:30 PM the meeting to follow around 7:00 PM in Brownstein Hall.
Covid -19 guidelines:
- No food will be served, however drinks will be allowed .
- Hall to be cleaned up and sanitized (by officers) after the meetings.
- Masks are worn at all times unless it is the main speaker.
If you a re uncomfortable with meeting in person despite the precautions, please do not feel obligated to attend. There will not be any streaming of the meeti ng at this time.
All day event
"Them I will bring to my holy mountain and make joyful in my house of prayer; their holocausts and sacrifices will be acceptable on my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." ~ Isaiah 56:7
Dorothy Day died in New York City in 1980. The N ew York Times called her the most influential person in the histo ry of American Catholicism. There's now a movement to canonize her for her personal life of poverty and for her work among the poor. In her book, Union Square to Rome, Day wrote that before her conversion to Catholic ism she used to go to early morning Mass at St. Joseph's Church on Sixth Av enue. What attracted her were the people kneeling in prayer. She says, "I longed for their faith. So I used to go in and kneel in the back pew." She was drawn to St. Joseph's because it was clear it was a "house of prayer". ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Would a visitor to our parish church witness the same devotion and faith as Day witnessed at St....
All day event
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them , for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~ Luke 18:16 NIV John was a French priest who became famous as a teacher of underprivi leged boys. When he became aware of the needs of the poor children, he fel t himself called to respond. John would later give away his share of the fa mily fortune. He began training a group of young men as teachers, thus beg inning the order known today as the Christian Brothers. John successfully i ntroduced several new educational methods and established colleges for trai ning teachers. His success in training delinquent and underprivileged boys provoked bitter opposition from secular schoolmasters, who resented his em phasis on Christian values. Ignoring his critics, John urged his teachers to treat their students with love, compassion, and concern for their spir itual well-being. One of the lessons we learn from John is that our calling from God may at first seem unpleasant, but if we p...
Ave Maria
Lenten Fish Fry
All day event
"...Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eter nal life." ~ John 3:16
A man was sleeping when the Savior appear ed. The LORD told him there was work to be done, and showed him a massive rock which he was to push with all his might. For many years the man toiled . The Adversary sensed his despair and placed thoughts into his weary mind: "You are never going to move it." "Why kill myself over this?" the man tho ught. He decided to make it a matter of prayer and take his troubled though ts to the LORD. "I have labored long and hard in Your service. Yet, I have not budged that rock by half a millimeter. Why am I failing?" The LORD res ponded compassionately, "When I asked you to serve me, your task was to p ush against the rock with all your strength. Never once did I mention that I expected you to move it. And now you come to me, thinking that you have failed. But now you are strong and muscled. Through opposition your abiliti es now surpass that which you used to have. Your ...
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
All day event
"If there is a poor man among your brothers... do not be har dhearted or tightfisted toward him." ~ Deuteronomy 15:7
Th e parable of the rich man and the poor man (Luke 16:19-31) inspired the sti rring homily of Pope John Paul II at Yankee Stadium in 1979. He said, "We cannot stand idly by, enjoying our own riches and freedom if, in any plac e, the Lazarus of the 20th century stands at our doors... The rich man and the Lazarus are both human beings, both of them equally created in the im age and likeness of God, both of them equally redeemed by Christ." ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What caused the rich man to be condemned? How have your values changed since you became a Knight? How do you think God might want t hem to change some more?
"The poor of the United States and of th e world are your brothers and sisters in Christ. You must never be content to leave them just the crumbs of the feast. You must give your substance, and not just of your abundance." ~ Pope John Paul II