"Your light must shine before people...so that they will pra ise your Father." ~ Matthew 5:16
Some villages in India are tota lly without electricity. People use tiny oil lamps, much like those used i n Jesus' time, to light their homes.
The temple in one of these rur al villages has a large frame hanging from its ceiling. Cut into the frame are a hundred slots into which tiny oil lamps can be placed. When the peopl e go there after dark, they carry their oil lamps from their homes to guid e them through the darkness. Upon arriving in the temple, they place their lamp in one of the slots. By the time the last villager arrives, the dark ness has been dispelled and in its place is a glorious sea of light. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What keeps you from becoming the spark of light that we Knights have pledged to create to dispel the darkness in our world?
"Every believer in this world must become a spark of light." ~ Pope John XXIII
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"Those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same for them before my Father in heaven." ~ Matthew 10:32 One Sunday morning, not long after the Civil War, a freed slave wandere d into a fashionable church in Richmond, Virginia. When the time for Commu nion came, to the consternation of many present, the ex-slave walked up t o receive.
Sensing the mood of these people, a prominent, respecte d man waled down the aisle and knelt next to his black brother. That man's courageous witness set an example that day that no one forgot.
The m an was Robert E. Lee, former general of the Confederate army. ~ Story told by Billy Graham
What are some of the things that keep me from witne ssing to brotherhood in my life?
"Shine through me and be so in m e that every soul I come in contact with may feel your presence in my spiri t." ~ John Henry Newman
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"The Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve ." ~ Matthew 20:28
On Thursday evening, April 12, 1945, radio stations interrupted all broadcasts to announce President Roosevelt' s death. It was critical, because World War II was at a crucial point.
Harry Truman was sworn in as president. Later, Truman addressed Congre ss. His final words were dramatic. He lifted his face upward, raised his a rms to heaven and said: Give me....an understanding heart to judge Thy peop le, that I ma discern between good and bad... I ask only to be a good and faithful servant of my LORD and my people (1 Kings 3:9)." ~ Mark Link, S.J .
What is one way you and your Brother Knights might better serve ou r nation? Sir Knights, what patriotic project has your assembly tackled th is year?
"Do a little more than you're paid to do; Giv e a little more than you have to; Try a little harder than you w ant to; Aim a little higher than you think p...
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"If we love others, we live in the light... But if we hate others, we are still in the darkness, we walk in it and do not know where we are going, because the darkness has made us blind." ~ 1 John 2: 10-11
IN Feodor Dostoevski's novel, The Brothers Karamazov, a distraught woman comes to Father Zosima for help. She says that if he ca nnot help her, she thinks she will end her own life. Her problem is that s he no longer believes in God. She came to the point bit by bit without real izing it. Now her life is meaningless. All ashes!
Father Zosima tell s her she must go home and, without fail - and in a practical way, every day - love the people around her. If she does this, he promises, bit-by-b it she will come to the point where she'll find it impossible not to believe in God. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
What is Father Zosima's p oint; and why do/don't you tend to agree with it?
"The works is full of beauty when your heart is full of love." ~
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The Baptism of the Lord
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St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
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"Love binds all thins together in perfect unity." ~ Colo ssians 3:14
Seminarian Mark Bosco was touched by a remark from Mothe r Teresa: "The AIDS patient is the newest face of the suffering Christ." He then decided to join 1,000 cyclists preparing for a 600 mile trip from Sa n Francisco to Los Angeles, to raise money for AIDS research.
The n ight of the fifth day, he wrote: "tonight in camp I needed help for my sor e neck and back. A chiropractor named Christine told me that she and about 60 other chiropractors were volunteering to keep us in good form. She said that this would probably be her only vacation time this year, but that she wouldn't have missed the trip for the world. There are many unsung heroes on this ride, including 50 or so UPS drivers who devoted their vocation to following us in trucks with our tents, gear, and food." ~ Mark Link, S. J.
Do your recall a Knights project that moved you as deeply?
"There's no limit to how much good you ...
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"I tell you the truth... I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants." ~ John 5:30
A plaque in Lo ndon contains these words:
In the memory of Charles Gordon Who at all times and everywhere gave His Strength to the Weak His Substance to the Suffering His Heart to God.
Whether the plaque's author knew it or not, he was descri bing the heart of Jesus. No finer tribute could be paid to a person. ~ Mark Link, S.J.
Can you recall some recent occasion when you went out o f your way to help - someone weaker than yourself, someone poorer then you rself. and someone suffering more than yourself?
How have we support ed, spiritually and financially, the widows and children of brothers who have passed away?
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something; And beca use I cannot do everything, Let me not ref...
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO 80138, USA
Hot breakfast at 5:45 am followed by discussion. Please join
us. For more information contact Brad Riddell at 303-548-
6184 or Bill Was serman at 954-817-5706.
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"They said to one another, "Here comes that dreamer.... Let 's kill him.... Then we will see what becomes of his dreams." ~ Genesis 37:19-20
It was a summer day in Washington when Martin Luther King , Jr. spoke these memorable words to a huge crowd:
"I have a dream t hat one day this nation will rise up and live out the truen meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created ewual." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood... This is our hope. This is the fait h that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to he w out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope." ~ Mark Link, S.J. Sadly, the Scripture from Genesis above proved to be prophetic. Dr. King would later be slain out of sheer hatred. Waht has become of his dreams an d are they worth keeping alive?
"It i...
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Our Lady of the Visitation, 34201 Co Rd 33, Kiowa, CO 80117, U SA