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Columbus set sail for Him

Description "They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the de ep." ~ Psalm 107:23-24

The following are the musings of a strong ly devout man and his efforts to find a shortcut to the Indies:

At a very early age I began to sail upon the ocean. I prayed to the most mercif ul LORD about my heart's great desire, and He gave me the spirit and the i ntelligence for the task. 
It was the LORD who put into my mind th e fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies. all who h eard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me.
But no one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior, if it is jus t and if the intention is purely for His holy service.... Oh what a graciou s LORD.... Day and night, moment by moment, everyone should express to Hi m their devoted gratitude. ~ Christopher Columbus, Book of Prophecies

Because Columbus was a devout C...
Date Sat, October 12, 2019
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access