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PATRIOTISM is citizens with a moral compass

Description "The LORD is near all who call upon Him in truth." ~ Psa lm 145:18

The Washington Post  carried a six-pane l cartoon strip. Panel one shows the head of a sleeping unborn infant, his head on his arms. The words were: "It was a big day for the little one! He was just minutes away from being America's newest citizen!" In Panel two, the baby's eyes are open: "The time had come!" The baby's head and shoulde rs have moved toward the bottom of Panel three: "He was being pushed throug h a small place!" Only the head remains in Panel four: "He felt air touch h is body for the first time! His hands were free!". In Panel five: "Then he felt a sharp pain at the base of his skull! He jerked violently! And then.. was over...." The sixth Panel shows the facade of the Supreme Court: " And the Supreme Court, in its wisdom, asks, "So, what's the problem!?" Here's the problem: Five more seconds and he'd go to the cradle, instead o f the grave. Partial birth abortion. Does this...
Date Thu, October 10, 2019
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access