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FRATERNITY is witnessing His glory everywhere

Description "When I look at the sky which you have made, at the moon an d the stars which you have set in their places - what are human beings, th at you think of them; mere mortals that you care for them?" ~ Psalm 8: 3-4

Has not everyone, at one time in life,
climbed a hill and g azed at the sky above
and the fields below - and asked,
"Whence all of this? Who put it here?"
Why the newborn calf staggering alongside
its mother grazing in the meadow?
Why the thousands of daisies
dancin g daintly along the fence row?
Why the summer sun
ripening these grov es of fruit trees?
Why these acres clothed in beauty?
Why this world of birth, growing, and dying?
Does it speak to the secret
of my own graced existence?
~ Mark Link, S.J.

When our society chooses to terminate human life, aren't we offending the Author of all life? Knights , this month at least, let us not be silent.

"Scattering a thou sand graces, he passed through these groves in haste, ...
Date Sun, October 6, 2019
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access