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"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without d eeds is dead." ~ James 2:26
I'll never forget the day I sa w my boy trudging home in the driving rain. Marks' clothing was drenched an d his hair was plastered against his head. I opened the door and he looked up at me with a little smile, his face red from the cold. "Hi, Dad!" he s aid. "You're home early." "Mark, you know, if you'd ride your bike you'd get home faster." He looked at me rather sheepishly, "I know, Dad." I was puzzled. "Well, Son, if you know, why didn't you do it?" Then he hung his head, and I felt like crawling under a table. He had told me several times before that his bike had a flat tire. He could have said that someone promised to help him but never did. But he didn't . What he did say remains printed indelibly on this dad's heart. "I know ho w busy you are, and - I just didn't want to bother you with it again." I wasn't too busy; just too selfish. A bike... |