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Description | "Let your hope keep you joyful." ~ Romans 12:12 I n 1985, Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashed into a mountain killing 517, th e worst single plane crash in air history. Minutes before the jumbo jet hit a mountain, passengers were told it was going to crash. Rescuers found in the wreckage a pocket calendar belonging to an executive of a Japanese shi pping company. In his final seconds of life on earth, he had dashed severa l notes across seven pages of the calendar sharing his thoughts with his fa mily. I'm very sad. I'm sure I won't make it. To think that our dinner last night was the last time. Be good t o each other and work hard. Kids, help your mother. ~ Mark Link, S.J. If you were in the same situation, what would you scribble to your family that might surprise them? Would you consider ex pressing those sentiments now? "A home is built of loveing deeds that stand a thousand years." ~ Victor Hugo |
Date | Fri, March 20, 2020 |
Repeat Type | Yearly
Time | All day event |
Priority | 5-Medium |
Access | Public |
Updated | Fri, July 30, 2021 8:34pm GMT |
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