
CHARITY comes in a plain brown envelope

Description "When you help a needy person, o it in such a way tat even your closest friend will not know about it." ~ Matthew 6:3-4
< br>The New York Times ran an amazing story. St. Jude's Childre n's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, get hundreds of donations - large and small - daily. One day they received a plain envelope with no ret urn address. Inside was a McDonald's Monopoly Sweepstake's ticket for a $1 million "Instant Winner."

St. Jude's called McDonald's. Officials ca me with a representative of the Arthur Anderson accounting firm. After chec king the board with a jeweler's eyepiece, he declared it a winner. McDonal d's and St. Jude officials agreed to respect the donor's apparent desire to remain anonymous. They made no effort to find out who it was. ~ Mark Link , S.J.

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"It is possible to give wi thout loving, but it is impossible to lo...
Date Sun, February 23, 2020
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:34pm GMT
Participants Public Access