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Description | "When my bones were being formed, carefully put together in my mother's womb.... you knew that I was there - you saw me before I was b orn." ~ Psalm 139:15-16 A poster on the wall of a post off ice in Tulsa informed citizens that it was a violation of federal law to ki ll and eagle. Moreover, the law extended its protection to eagle eggs - th at is, to unborn eagles. "Isn't it ironic that we pass laws to p rotect unborn birds, but refuse to pass laws to protect unborn humans?" `~ Mark Link, S. J. How comfortable are you w ith our nation's attitude toward human life? As Catholic gentlemen, are we to just sit on the sidelines as spectators to this injustice? "A ll human life - from the moment of conception and through all subsequent st ages - is sacred, because human life is created in the image and likeness of God. Nothing surpasses the greatness or dignity of a human person." ~ i>Pope John Paul II |
Date | Thu, October 3, 2019 |
Repeat Type | Yearly
,Exclusion Dates=10/3/2023 |
Time | All day event |
Priority | 5-Medium |
Access | Public |
Updated | Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT |
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Public Access |