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Description | "(Some soldiers heard David say he'd love a drink of water f rom a certain well. They sneaked through the enemy's lines.) drew some wate r from the well, and brought it back to David. But he.... poured it out as an offering to the LORD and said, "I could never drink this! It would be like drinking the blood of these men who risked their lives!" ~ 1 Chron icles 11:18-19 An old story concerns a king's knight. He came upon a spring of delicious water. After filling his leather canteen with it, he began a daylong journey home to present it to the king. The king drank it w ith great relish and thanked him profusely. After the subject left, the ki ng's advisor asked for permission to take a drink of water. When he did, h e nearly spit it out, because it was tepid and terribly stale. He t urned to the king and asked, "Why did you pretend to relish the water?" Th e king replied, "It wasn't the water that I was relishing; it was my knig ht's love." ~ Author unknown What is th... |
Date | Tue, June 9, 2020 |
Repeat Type | Yearly
Time | All day event |
Priority | 5-Medium |
Access | Public |
Updated | Fri, July 30, 2021 8:35pm GMT |
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Public Access |