
FRATERNITY is tapping into the power of prayer

Description "God purposely chose what the world considers nonsense in or der to shame the wise, and he chose... what the world looks down on... to destroy what the world thinks is important." ~ 1 Corinthians 1:27-28

Young Joseph of Cupertino labored under a learning disability and was considered dull and clumsy. When he tried to enter religious life, he was turned down by one monastery after another. Finally, in spite of his disab ility, a Franciscan group agreed to accept him.

Joseph acquired eno ugh knowledge to be ordained a priest. Eventually, many miracles were attr ibuted to him and many credible people, including Pope Urban VIII, saw hi m "levitate" while praying. His constant admonition to people was "Pray, p ray, pray!" ~ Mark Link, S.J.

What is the greatest challenge I fac e when it comes to prayer?

"If you are a stranger to prayer, you are a stranger to power." ~ Author unknown
Date Tue, May 19, 2020
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:35pm GMT
Participants Public Access