
FRATERNITY is recognizing that all of us are brothers

Description "Forgive your brother from the heart." ~ Matthew 18:35
In the film, All Quiet Along the Western Front, a Germ an soldier is in a foxhole, taking cover from artillery fire. Suddenly, a n enemy French soldier leaps into the same hole to take cover as well. The German leaps on him and stabs him. But the Frenchman doesn't die immediatel y.

The German - hardly more than a boy - studies the French soldier' s dying eyes. Moved to pity, he makes him comfortable and gives him drink. When he dies, the German soldier feels great remorse. He speaks to the de ad Frenchman, saying:
"When you jumped in here, you were my enemy - an d I was afraid.... But you're just a man like me... If we threw away these rifles and these uniforms, you could be my brother.... You have to forgive me." ~ Mark Link, S.J.

How can we help our brothers discover the k ind of fraternity we have before it's too late?

"For giveness is the fragrance a violet sheds on the hee...
Date Tue, February 18, 2020
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:34pm GMT
Participants Public Access