
CHARITY is a miraculous rescue

Description "The LORD who created you says, "Do not be afraid - I will save you.... I have called you by name - your are mine." ~ Isaiah 42:1< br>
On Christmas Eve 1983, Tim Anderson and two college roommates were driving from Connecticut to Chicago. The car radio warned against going out side, because a wind chill of -80 below had hit the Midwest. 

The boys dropped off one roommate in Fort Wayne and took off by a rural ro ute to the Indiana tollway. Miles from nowhere, their car choked, sputter ed, and died. No lights could be seen anywhere. As the frigid cold invaded their car, the desperate boys began to pray for help.

Suddenly, l ights appeared out of nowhere - a tow truck. It took them back to their fri end's house in Fort Wayne. Tim ran inside to get money for the tow fee.&nbs p;

When Tim returned, the stopped dead. No tow truck was in sight - and only one set of tire tracks was in the snow: their car's. ~ digested from Joan Webster Anderson's Where Angels <...
Date Fri, December 20, 2019
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access