
Jesus Our Hope Retreat House - KoC Cabrini

Description Due to Covid-19, the KoC at Mother Cabrini are hosting a Golf Tournament at Applewood Golf Course. http://www.jesus-our-hope.org/about. n
Costs: $85.00 per golfer, includes green fee, cart, range balls, gol f and door prizes, and box lunch. $13.00 per non-golfer, includes box lun ch.

Check-in: 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
Shotgun start: 8:00 AM

Register as a single golfer or foursome. Tournament committee will assign team members t o even out a foursome. Mulligans and string are available at check-in. A do nation of $5.00 per mulligan and $10.00 for the string is recommended (limi t two mulligans per golfer). Limit one 3 foot length of string per foursome .

RSVP (phone/email) and mail checks no later than April 14th to: John Barder, 8222 West Nichols Ave., Littleton, CO 80128 (303) 972-3191; bar derjlp@msn.com
Location Applewood Golf Course, 14001 W 32nd Ave, Golden, CO 80401, USA
Date Sat, April 24, 2021
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:36pm GMT
Participants Public Access