Description |
Based on a true story, this biographical drama directed by Rox ann Dawson follows the incident of a 14 yr. old John Smith who falls into a frozen Missouri lake after playing on it with friends. Now unconscious in a hospital bed, John's adoptive parents fret about his chances of survival . But his mother Joyce Smith won't give up hope and pours all her efforts a nd prayers into bringing her son back, as she asks God for a miracle.
P opcorn will be provided. Feel free to bring snack to share. |
Location |
Ave Maria Catholic Church, 9056 E Parker Rd, Parker, CO - Dwyer Hall |
Date |
Sat, November 16, 2019 |
Time |
6:00pm-8:30pm MST |
Duration |
2 hours 30 minutes |
Priority |
5-Medium |
Access |
Public |
Created by |
Updated |
Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT |
Participants |
Public Access