
Knights of Columbus 1st Meeting - June

Description Meeting agenda:
a) Review of minutes from last meeting
b) Cal l to order - 7:30 PM
c) Approve minutes
d) Approve transfers for Buehler and Long
e) McCann's ordination 6/18th, first Mass 6/19
f) July 2nd conc ert and cookout
g) July 16th end of year banquet and dance
h) Treasurer's Report
i) Slate of officers for 2016/2017. Additional candidates and fina l votes to be determined.
j) First reading of resolution to approve expend iture of excess funds to remodel Dwyer
Kitchen. Final vote to be held during this meeting.
k) Parker Day parade with KoC involvement 6/11/16
l) Donations: $100 to Catholic Elementary School for Odyssey of Mind and $100 to
Catholic Radio Network
Location Ave Maria Catholic Church
Date Tue, June 7, 2016
Time 6:00pm-8:30pm MDT
Duration 2 hours 30 minutes
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access