
CHARITY is listening to the inner voice

Description "Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with every one." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:14

Dan Begley settled into his plane s eat in Seattle, hoping to get a lot of work done before arriving in Dallas .

Just then a mother and three kids got on. The mother and a four-ye ar old sat behind him; the two older kids, next to him. Once airborne, t hey began turning around every ten minutes to ask their mother, "Where are we now?" Dan's irritation rose to the "danger" level. Suddenly an "inner v oice" told him, "Be patient! Love these kids. They need it."

He put away his work, took the in-flight magazine, turned to the flight map, a nd showed the kids the route to Dallas. He divided the route into 15 - minu te lengths so that they could see exactly where they were at any moment. Th en he explained a lot of things about planes to them. 

As the plane touched down in Dallas, Dan asked if their father would be waiting. A short silence ensued. Then one of the kids said softl...
Date Fri, December 27, 2019
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access