
FRATERNITY is a few good men

Description "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto Gideon, and said u nto him, "The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valor."" ~ Judges 6:12

The Midianites had been preying on the Israelites and their la nd. Gideon had lost all of his brothers in battle, but God put a thought i n his heart to save his people. He sent messengers throughout the land to f orm a band of fighting men. At first, an army of 32,000 men was formed. B ut many were not sure the LORD would lead them to victory. So God told Gide on to send home all those who were afraid to fight. Gideon saw that a small army of brave men would be better than a multitude of cowards, so he told anyone that was afraid to fight to go home. He was down to 10,000 men. Bu t God said that he needed only the best and bravest men, so he told Gideon to send his men to the water and He would show him which men to keep. At t he river, almost every man laid down his weapon and quenched their thirst. God told Gideon to send these men home. But a few me...
Date Sun, December 8, 2019
Repeat Type Yearly
Time All day event
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Updated Fri, July 30, 2021 8:33pm GMT
Participants Public Access